Mettre 1 cuillère d’huile de noix de coco dans l’eau de cuisson. Faire cuire le riz dans l’eau bouillante 20 min et mettre au frigo 12 h. La proportion de glucides que l’on ne peut pas digérer aura été multipliée par 10.
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) resistant starch and novel processing methods to increase resistant starch concentration
249th National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS). Sudhair JA
Obesity is an emerging health crisis in many developing countries. To find food based solutions for obesity, rice resistant starch (RS) concentrations and novel ways to increase RS concentrations were studied. A total of 38 Sri Lankan rice varieties were tested; the RS concentrations ranged from 0.30 to 4.65%. The traditional rice varieties had significantly higher RS concentrations than old and improved varieties. Bg 305 had the least RS concentration out of all. However, applying different heating and cooling conditions with pure coconut oil showed RS concentrations increased by at least 10 times. The increase in RS content could be attributed to the increase in RS3 and RS5 types, suggesting potential to increase these types of RS in rice. This study results clearly show that rice, when cooked properly, could be a good low calorie food source for obesity reduction. In-vivo glycemic effects of RS studies are in progress.