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Meta-analyse sur le timing de la prise de protéine

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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

Meta-analyse sur le timing de la prise de protéine

Messagepar fat » 7 Déc 2013 23:43

The effect of protein timing on muscle strength and hypertrophy: a meta-analysis.

Protein timing is a popular dietary strategy designed to optimize the adaptive response to exercise. The strategy involves consuming protein in and around a training session in an effort to facilitate muscular repair and remodeling, and thereby enhance post-exercise strength- and hypertrophy-related adaptations. Despite the apparent biological plausibility of the strategy, however, the effectiveness of protein timing in chronic training studies has been decidedly mixed. The purpose of this paper therefore was to conduct a multi-level meta-regression of randomized controlled trials to determine whether protein timing is a viable strategy for enhancing post-exercise muscular adaptations.

The strength analysis comprised 478 subjects and 96 ESs, nested within 41 treatment or control groups and 20 studies. The hypertrophy analysis comprised 525 subjects and 132 ESs, nested with 47 treatment or control groups and 23 studies. A simple pooled analysis of protein timing without controlling for covariates showed a small to moderate effect on muscle hypertrophy with no significant effect found on muscle strength. In the full meta-regression model controlling for all covariates, however, no significant differences were found between treatment and control for strength or hypertrophy. The reduced model was not significantly different from the full model for either strength or hypertrophy. With respect to hypertrophy, total protein intake was the strongest predictor of ES magnitude.

These results refute the commonly held belief that the timing of protein intake in and around a training session is critical to muscular adaptations and indicate that consuming adequate protein in combination with resistance exercise is the key factor for maximizing muscle protein accretion.
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Messages: 215
Inscription: 8 Fév 2009 13:55
Localisation: Lyon

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 8 Déc 2013 01:36

Quand tes muscles ont pris l'habitude de recevoir des protéines après l'entraînement, tu n'as qu'à arrêter pour te rendre compte de l'importance du timing dans la récupération
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Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Messagepar Miami Dolphins » 11 Déc 2013 13:27

A noter que l'auteur explique qu'une des limitations majeures est que la majorité des sujets sont des personnes qui ne pratiquent pas la muscu...

Il dit même :

"So if you are a highly trained lifter where it is essential to achieve absolute maximal hypertrophy, it makes sense to consume protein as quickly as possible post-workout; doing so certainly won’t hurt and possibly might help, albeit to a small extent."
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Miami Dolphins
Messages: 183
Inscription: 11 Juin 2009 17:34

Messagepar Le Docteur » 11 Déc 2013 15:48

Pas le courage d'aller voir l'étude complète, mais cette phrase me semble plutôt à prendre dans le sens de : si vraiment vous cherchez des résultats maximaux et que vous en êtes à chercher tout ce qui pourrait les améliorer, admettons.
C'est un peu comme pour les suppléments "de pointe", qui ne donnent qu'un petit plus, pour le gars pour qui tout cm en plus est bon à prendre, on peut comprendre qu'il prenne ce qu'on ne conseillerait pas aux autres parce que d'une efficacité relative.
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Le Docteur
Messages: 2566
Inscription: 30 Mai 2012 13:07

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