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Ed corney est décédé

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Ed corney est décédé

Messagepar thanos999 » 22 Fév 2011 18:51

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Messagepar sebestef » 22 Fév 2011 19:02

Merci Thanos. Quel âge avait-il ?
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Messagepar thanos999 » 22 Fév 2011 19:09

Dans les 50
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Re: Ed corney posing

Messagepar thanos999 » 4 Juil 2018 21:45

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Re: Ed corney est décédé

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 2 Jan 2019 09:02

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Re: Ed corney est décédé

Messagepar bertrand » 2 Jan 2019 09:49

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Re: Ed corney est décédé

Messagepar thanos999 » 2 Jan 2019 10:21

Il est mort hier d'une rupture d'anévrisme :sad:
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Re: Ed corney est décédé

Messagepar thanos999 » 2 Jan 2019 10:25

From Lonnie Teper

Sadly, the new year brought with it some depressing news...legend Ed Corney, called the greatest poser of all time by former IRON MAN Magazine Publisher John Balik, passed away this morning at 85. Sources have told me Corney suffered a brain aneurism late Christmas evening and hung on for another week before he couldn't fight any longer.
Corney, one of the icons of the Golden Age of Bodybuilding, had a great physique but the conversation always turned to his posing talents whenever his name came up.
"Ed spoke to the audience like no other bodybuilder in my 50+ years of experience," Balik said Monday night after hearing the news. "His charismatic presence electrified his audience. Ed projected love and everyone loved him back. RIP my friend!"

Corney appeared on the covered of the book "Pumping Iron" and on the posters for the movie, which enhanced his popularity even more. I remember getting a phone call from a close friend of Ed's in 1999, I think it was, letting me know Ed had suffered a heart attack undergoing shoulder surgery, leading to two strokes (due to medication given to him for the heart attack)and time in a coma. But that wasn't enough to keep this fella down for long. Every time I would see him at an event, he had that famous Corney smile, greeting his legions of fans and nary a word of sorrow about his unfortunate health issues.

Corney won titles at the IFBB MR. America, the IFBB Universe and the Masters Olympia 60+ on two occasions en route to the Bodybuilding Hall of Fame. I will always remember how courteous Ed was every time we would run into each other, complimenting me on my writing and emceeing, when he was the one deserving of all the accolades. Here I am, in the presence of one of the games greatest players, and he's making me feel special. Special is a good word to describe Ed Corney, on and off a bodybuilding stage. Gone, but never, ever forgotten. Thank you for all that you did for the world of bodybuilding. Here are a couple of Balik photos showing the Master doing what he did best.

RIP, my man!
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Localisation: Bob gym

Re: Ed corney est décédé

Messagepar OLYBAR » 2 Jan 2019 13:21

Pumping Iron

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Re: Ed corney est décédé

Messagepar OLYBAR » 2 Jan 2019 13:24

Je l'avais vu à l'Arnold Classic 2012 à Columbus, Ohio.
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Re: Ed corney est décédé

Messagepar kderon » 2 Jan 2019 14:43

Je savais pas que c'était lui avec Arnold sur cette vidéo
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Re: Ed corney est décédé

Messagepar OLYBAR » 3 Jan 2019 00:58

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Re: Ed corney est décédé

Messagepar audiomaniac » 3 Jan 2019 01:21

Je comprends rien, il est décédé deux fois ? car le topic date de 2011
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Re: Ed corney est décédé

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 3 Jan 2019 02:20

signe de déficience d'oméga 3
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Re: Ed corney est décédé

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 3 Jan 2019 08:00

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