par isy » 27 Nov 2011 10:47
gros mental aussi :p
(extrait d'interwiew de john cena pour men's fitness en 2009)
Was it hard to make the transition to performance training?
It was hard as hell. A lot of these lifts I haven't done in years. It's like teaching an old dog new tricks. Rob will tell you, I fought him every step of the way. I'd say, "Man, I can't do this." And he'd tell me, "Dude, you're just making excuses. Just shut up and do it. You're an athlete." And the first couple of weeks of trying these lifts, like the snatch or the power clean or the glute ham-raise, anything abnormal but performance-based stuff is difficult. But you get a couple of reps in, you get the form down, and then it becomes fun.
How many days a week do you work out?
We're on a seven-day cycle right now...maybe 6 out of 7 days
Does being on the road so many days out of the year throw a wrench into your workout?
Nah. If you were a new guy, yeah, but I've been doing this now for six years. I know where every gym in every town is. Once you know the lay of the land, it's just a matter of finding the time and structuring your day.
MF: So what do you say to all the haters out there who say, 'John Cena is so jacked, he must be on something'?
JC:[Laughs] That's a question that'll always be there. I tell people to train with me for a week, just a week. I'm the guy who'll drive 250 miles tonight and be at the gym tomorrow at 10 a.m., when people are still sleeping in. I'm the guy who'll fly to Australia and find a gym. Fly back and first thing I do off the plane is work out before I shower or eat. Run with me for a week and if you still don't believe me, run with me for TWO weeks. I've made a living out of working hard.