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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

Messagepar Loa » 19 Mar 2009 10:30

Pas forcément bon signe pour la longue portion.
Messages: 94
Inscription: 19 Oct 2008 21:40

Messagepar BouBou » 19 Mar 2009 18:43

Moi aussi portion courte :? :cry:
Messages: 92
Inscription: 14 Déc 2008 16:25
Localisation: Alpes Maritimes

Messagepar thanos999 » 26 Mar 2009 12:58

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Messages: 15255
Inscription: 12 Sep 2008 11:50
Localisation: Bob gym

Messagepar christophe bonnefont » 26 Mar 2009 14:13

A suer son posing, pardon je m'emporte là! :lol:
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christophe bonnefont
Messages: 900
Inscription: 25 Oct 2008 16:20
Localisation: monaco

Messagepar niTro » 26 Mar 2009 15:29

taille large. Les mollets pas mal du tout. Ischio oubliés ?
Triceps c la folie!! La différence avc le reste!
Il a le physique du couché, mais qui prend tous ds les tri.
Messages: 275
Inscription: 27 Nov 2008 16:07
Localisation: La Seyne/Six Fours les plages

Messagepar thanos999 » 27 Mar 2009 23:36

training dans les bois
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Messages: 15255
Inscription: 12 Sep 2008 11:50
Localisation: Bob gym

Messagepar Daegog » 28 Mar 2009 00:04

C'est Nutrimuscle qui va pouvoir faire ça au bois de Vincennes :P
Messages: 601
Inscription: 2 Oct 2008 18:31

Messagepar thanos999 » 14 Avr 2009 14:35

Il a pas entrainé ces triceps pendant 6 mois mais il etait toujours aussi gros

"My arms get me alot of attention. Its good and bad. To have people think my arms overpower the rest of my body is bad. However this attention could break me into the industry. I have'nt lifted my triceps in over 6 months besides the small range of motion in shoulder presses and bench press.

So I went to the Arnold last weekend and once again the focus of most the people I met were on my HUGE TRICEPS. A few people were impressed by my other muscles like my back and shoulders. I just think its funny everyone wants to comment on a muscle I haven't worked on in almost a year. The fact is that genetics and the time I spent early in my workout career are what gave me my huge triceps. I still have yet to see another person do a heavier set of skullcrushers than me. For an ALL NATURAL bodybuilder that says alot since I see steroid users everyday at the gym.

I guess I'm just vexed on whether or not I should start lifting and isolating my triceps again. I seem to be able to maintain them even though I never work on them.

My progression photos from The Arnold inspired me greatly. In this past year my back has grown a TON. My lats are alot wider an my serratus an abdominals are also looking much more defined and muscular. I'm going to keep on going, never stopping. I will never give up.

Kiana Tom was right, priority training is an awesome way to work out and with the help I've been recieving from photographers, bodybuilders, and fans of what I do, I'm going to keep improving my physique naturally. I know it will pay off in the end.. and if it doesn't well then I guess the satisfaction I get from everytime I leave the gym is goo enough for me.

Thx for reading,

Graham Hill
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Messages: 15255
Inscription: 12 Sep 2008 11:50
Localisation: Bob gym

Messagepar Robz » 14 Avr 2009 19:26

Mort de rire quand meme ce qu'on peut lire des fois.
Messages: 42
Inscription: 22 Oct 2008 21:57


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