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Abbas Khatami to Hell & Back

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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

Abbas Khatami to Hell & Back

Messagepar Gilles » 4 Juin 2016 16:28

"Finally released by David Bourlet which is but will be on later this week my come back footage and story of me pre neck surgery, coming out of surgery, day after and my very first day back in the gym. Showing off what I looked like exactly 7 months ago, I strip down and you can uuget see how much muscle I had lost in my chest due to disk and nerve impingement.
Then I take you through my very first work out. Trust me seeing myself that way and lifting as light as I was recommended to by the Dr. Was a VERY BIG MIND FUCK.
Lastly is the day after the 2016 California Pro where I'm posing and talking a little . I'm very happy that David Bourlet was able to compile all this footage I had together for a video to share to the world and help inspire others on how to over come major set backs in life. It's all about giving back and using your experience to help others."

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Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Abbas Khatami to Hell & Back

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 16 Déc 2019 18:10

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