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Attention aux glucosamines génériques sous-dosées

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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

Attention aux glucosamines génériques sous-dosées

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 30 Sep 2012 10:17

Les tests montrent que certaines ne contiennent même pas 50 % de la dose annoncée

Role of glucosamine in the treatment for osteoarthritis
Rheumatology International Volume 32, Number 10 (2012), 2959-2967
Jean-Yves Reginster

Over the last 20 years, several studies have investigated the ability of glucosamine sulfate to improve the symptoms (pain and function) and to delay the structural progression of osteoarthritis. There is now a large, convergent body of evidence that glucosamine sulfate, given at a daily oral dose of 1,500 mg, is able to significantly reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis in the lower limbs. This dose of glucosamine sulfate has also been shown, in two independent studies, to prevent the joint space narrowing observed at the femorotibial compartment in patients with mild-to-moderate knee osteoarthritis. This effect also translated into a

50 % reduction in the incidence of osteoarthritis-related surgery of the lower limbs during a 5-year period following the withdrawal of the treatment.

Some discrepancies have been described between the results of studies performed with a patent-protected formulation of glucosamine sulfate distributed as a drug and those having used glucosamine preparations purchased from global suppliers, packaged, and sold over-the-counter as nutritional supplements.
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