par gwendal » 14 Aoû 2009 20:48
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Delay in the digestion due to fats comes from:
When food is in a solid state (think steak), it's delayed by the breakdown of the bolus (almost like a solid state) into chyme(sp?) (semi liquid state).
The emulsification of a saturated fat or transfatty acid in the small intestine. Even then, at this point the absortion of amino's has already taken place.
With a shake (like oil or peanut butter mixed with a liquid protein), this process is already complete so that delay is almost nonexistant. You cant compare red meat (fats) to oils. So, when your fat amount is about 15grams (like 1 tbls of olive oil) the delay in amino acid absortion is virtually non-existant. It's virtually in a pre-digested state.
It's whole food where fat delays digestion the most. Even then, the actual absortion of nutrients (amino's specifically) isn't altered that much. The process of breaking down whole foods and trasnfering them to the lower part of the stomach and into the small intestine is a much slower process because of its makeup.
Lipid molecules do take longer to be metabolized, but (as above) it doesn't effect the absoprtion of the amino's. Only in a soild food state.