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L'avoine est une source importante d'anti-oxydants

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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

L'avoine est une source importante d'anti-oxydants

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 4 Sep 2011 17:52

Oat-based breakfast cereals are a rich source of polyphenols and high in antioxidant potential
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis Volume 24, Issue 7, November 2011, Pages 929-934
L. Ryan

Oats are a rich source of β-glucans and bioactive phytochemicals. The established health-beneficial properties of oats have led to an increase in the consumption of oats and oat-based food products in recent years. The objective of the present study was to analyse and compare the polyphenol content and total antioxidant capacity (via FRAP (ferric ion reducing antioxidant power) and DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) inhibition) of 30 commercially available oat-based breakfast cereals. All of the breakfast cereals analysed were a significant source of polyphenols (1506–1853 μg gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/g) and antioxidants (1682–3542 μmol/l FRAP; 30–201% inhibition of DPPH compared to gallic acid standard). There was little difference between premium and budget brand varieties of the breakfast cereals. The polyphenol levels in an average serving (40 g) of an oat-based breakfast cereal are comparable to those found in fruits and vegetables. Overall, our findings suggest that consumption of oat-based breakfast cereals could be a significant contributor to the total polyphenol content and antioxidant potential of the diet.
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