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Behind the scenes at the World's Strongest Man 2015

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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

Behind the scenes at the World's Strongest Man 2015

Messagepar Gilles » 8 Jan 2016 06:08

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Re: Behind the scenes at the World's Strongest Man 2015

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 8 Jan 2016 09:24

Once again, Brian Shaw has shown that he is up to the task.

The 33-year old professional strongman competitor and winner of the 2011 World's Strongest Man, 2013 World's Strongest Man and now the 2015 World's Strongest Man competitions, proves that the world's strongest man lives in the United States.

“It was a tough and exhilarating contest, and Zydrunas and Hafthor pushed me to the limit,” said Brian after his win. “But in the end I got it done!”
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