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Bénéfices vasculaires de l'arginine?

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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

Bénéfices vasculaires de l'arginine?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 13 Avr 2021 19:39

Long lasting protective effects of early l-arginine treatment on endothelium in an in vitro study
Elena Galluccio Clinical Nutrition: April 2021 (Volume 40, Issue 4)

Background & aims
Excess nutrient supply, such as high fat and high glucose intake, promotes oxidative stress and advanced glycation end products accumulation. Oxidative stress and AGE accumulation cause pathological elevation of arginase activity and pro-inflammatory signaling implicated in endothelial dysfunction. Several studies showed positive effects of l-arginine supplementation in endothelial function but little is currently known about the role of l-arginine as prevention of endothelial dysfunction caused by excessive nutrient supply (overfeeding). Our aim was to evaluate a possible protective effect of l-arginine on endothelial dysfunction caused by excessive nutrient supply (overfeeding), using human endothelial cells line in an in vitro study.
Endothelial EA.hy926 cells were pre-treated with 1.72 mM of l-arginine for 24 h and afterwards subjected to nutritional stress (high lipid, high insulin and high glucose concentrations) for further 24 h. After treatment discontinuation, the cells were kept in culture for 48 h, in physiological condition, to evaluate the effects of treatments after normalization.
Excess nutrient supply in EA.hy926 cell line showed an increase of oxidative and nitrosative stress, a rise of AGEs production, high arginase activity, leading the cells to acidosis and to cell death.
l-arginine pretreatment protects the cells by reducing apoptosis, acidosis, oxidative and nitrosative stress, arginase activity and AGE accumulation. l-arginine pretreatment reduces AGEs generation and accumulation by regulating STAB1 and RAGE gene expression levels. STAB1, acting as receptor scavenger of AGEs, interferes with AGE-RAGE binding and thus prevents activation of intracellular signaling pathways leading to cell damage. Moreover the reduction of oxidative stress promotes a decrease of excessive activation of arginase involved in endothelial dysfunction. The effects of pretreatment with l-arginine last even in the absence of stimuli and despite after treatment discontinuation.
An early l-arginine treatment is able to prevent oxidative stress and AGEs accumulation caused by overfeeding in human endothelial cell line by regulating STAB1/RAGE gene expression and by reducing excess arginase activity. The positive effects of l-arginine pretreatment continue even after treatment discontinuation in normal conditions.
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Messages: 55466
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Re: Bénéfices vasculaires de l'arginine?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 9 Aoû 2024 11:11

Associations of plasma arginine, homoarginine, and ADMA/SDMA levels with risk of ischemic stroke: a nested case-control study
Yingjun Mu Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases August 08, 2024

• This study was the first to investigate the relationship between plasma arginine, homoarginine and ADMA/SDMA and the risk of ischemic stroke in an eastern Chinese population.
• Contrary to other studies, this study observed a positive dose-response relationship between homoarginine levels and the risk of ischemic stroke.
• Elevated plasma levels of homoarginine and ADMA/SDMA were associated with a higher risk of ischemic stroke.

Background and aims
Previous studies have linked aberrant nitric oxide (NO) metabolism with vascular diseases. Although arginine, homoarginine, asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), and symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA) are involved in NO metabolic pathways, their associations with ischemic stroke (IS) remain unclear.
Methods and results
We conducted a case-control study nested within the Prospective Follow-up Study on Cardiovascular Morbidity and Mortality in China (PFS-CMMC) (2013-2018, n =16457; median follow-up time: 5.3 y), which included 321 incident cases of IS and 321 controls matched by age and sex. Plasma arginine, homoarginine, ADMA/SDMA were measured by ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Conditional logistic regression analyses were used to calculate odds ratios (ORs) and their 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the association between the plasma metabolites and IS risk.
After adjustment for body mass index, educational attainment, smoking, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, and family history of stroke, the OR of IS risk for the highest versus the lowest quartile was 2.46 (95% CI: 1.39 - 4.35, P trend = 0.004) for homoarginine and 2.22 (95% CI: 1.24 - 3.97, P trend = 0.003) for ADMA/SDMA. Spline regression analyses indicated positive dose-response relationships of homoarginine and ADMA/SDMA with the IS risk (both P for linearity < 0.05). No significant association was observed between plasma arginine and IS risk.
Elevated plasma levels of homoarginine and ADMA/SDMA were associated with a higher risk of IS. Our novel findings suggest a role of NO metabolism in the pathogenesis of IS.
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Forum Admin
Messages: 55466
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Re: Bénéfices vasculaires de l'arginine?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Diététique » 11 Aoû 2024 16:21

Traduction de l'étude :wink:

Associations entre les taux plasmatiques d'arginine, d'homoarginine et d'ADMA/SDMA et le risque d'accident vasculaire cérébral ischémique : une étude cas-témoins imbriquée
Yingjun Mu Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases 08 août 2024

Points forts
• Cette étude a été la première à examiner la relation entre l'arginine plasmatique, l'homoarginine et l'ADMA/SDMA et le risque d'accident vasculaire cérébral ischémique dans une population de l'est de la Chine.
• Contrairement à d'autres études, cette étude a observé une relation dose-réponse positive entre les taux d'homoarginine et le risque d'accident vasculaire cérébral ischémique.
• Des taux plasmatiques élevés d'homoarginine et d'ADMA/SDMA étaient associés à un risque plus élevé d'accident vasculaire cérébral ischémique.

Contexte et objectifs
Des études antérieures ont établi un lien entre le métabolisme anormal de l'oxyde nitrique (NO) et les maladies vasculaires. Bien que l'arginine, l'homoarginine, la diméthylarginine asymétrique (ADMA) et la diméthylarginine symétrique (SDMA) soient impliquées dans les voies métaboliques du NO, leurs associations avec l'accident vasculaire cérébral ischémique (AVC) restent floues.
Méthodes et résultats
Nous avons mené une étude cas-témoins imbriquée dans l'étude de suivi prospective sur la morbidité et la mortalité cardiovasculaires en Chine (PFS-CMMC) (2013-2018, n = 16 457 ; durée médiane de suivi : 5,3 ans), qui comprenait 321 cas incidents d'AVC et 321 témoins appariés par âge et sexe. L'arginine plasmatique, l'homoarginine, l'ADMA/SDMA ont été mesurées par chromatographie liquide ultra-haute performance-spectrométrie de masse en tandem. Des analyses de régression logistique conditionnelle ont été utilisées pour calculer les rapports de cotes (RC) et leurs intervalles de confiance (IC) à 95 % pour l'association entre les métabolites plasmatiques et le risque d'AVC.
Après ajustement pour l'indice de masse corporelle, le niveau d'éducation, le tabagisme, l'hypertension, l'hyperlipidémie, le diabète et les antécédents familiaux d'accident vasculaire cérébral, l'OR du risque d'AVC pour le quartile le plus élevé par rapport au quartile le plus bas était de 2,46 (IC à 95 % : 1,39 - 4,35, tendance P = 0,004) pour l'homoarginine et de 2,22 (IC à 95 % : 1,24 - 3,97, tendance P = 0,003) pour l'ADMA/SDMA. Les analyses de régression spline ont indiqué des relations dose-réponse positives de l'homoarginine et de l'ADMA/SDMA avec le risque d'AVC (P pour la linéarité < 0,05 pour les deux). Aucune association significative n'a été observée entre l'arginine plasmatique et le risque d'AVC.
Des taux plasmatiques élevés d'homoarginine et d'ADMA/SDMA étaient associés à un risque plus élevé d'AVC. Nos nouvelles découvertes suggèrent un rôle du métabolisme du NO dans la pathogenèse de l'AVC.
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Messages: 13711
Inscription: 4 Mar 2013 09:39
Localisation: Athus

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