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Branch warren blessé !

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Branch warren blessé !

Messagepar thanos999 » 21 Aoû 2011 09:54 ... -Metroflex

Today 2011 Arnold Classic Champion Branch Warren suffered a leg injury in Atlanta, Georgia.

Muscular Development Editor in Chief Steve Blechman has been in contact with Warren and has learned these latest details:

Warren was in Atlanta for a guest posing appearance. He was in a parking lot and attempting to step into his car. The pavement was slick and his left foot slipped out from under him. He fell onto his left leg and heard/felt a "SNAP" from his left knee/quad area. He was immediately taken to an Atlanta hospital for testing.

He has been released from the hospital and wearing a wrap around his left knee/quad. He is now trying to catch the earliest flight he can back to Texas where he plans to go directly to Baylor hospital to meet with his team of doctors to conduct more tests to ascertain the extent of the injury.

Mr. Blechman says that Warren is "upbeat" about the injury and its potential ramifications. Blechman will personally be contacting Warren throughout the weekend for any more updates.

We will be posting more updates on Branch Warren's injury as more information becomes available.
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Messagepar 300winmag » 21 Aoû 2011 10:29

Pas de chance pour le guerrier :cry:
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Messagepar Longinus » 21 Aoû 2011 10:56

A s'entraîner comme il s'entraîne, surtout à l'approche d'un coureur, fallait bien que ça arrive, un peu comme ses 800 blessures aux bras.
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Inscription: 5 Juin 2009 13:58

Messagepar thanos999 » 21 Aoû 2011 16:39

des news

"Branch Warren left Atlanta this morning at 10:30 Eastern and expects to meet with his team of doctors at Baylor Hospital immediately after landing in Texas (approximately 11:30 Central time.) After phone consultations with his doctors they are prepared to perform surgery tomorrow morning if they think it is necessary. Currently his knee is swollen and his leg is in a wrap. will continue to provide updates to Warren's condition throughout today and in the days to come. "
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Localisation: Bob gym

Messagepar Longinus » 21 Aoû 2011 16:46

Y a moyen qu'il fasse O quand même, mais pour quel classement et quels risques? ! ?
Bah sur que Trish et miniwarren soient d'accord :lol: .
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Inscription: 5 Juin 2009 13:58

Messagepar 300winmag » 21 Aoû 2011 18:44

Olympia 2011, faut oublier. Ce gars là est un guerrier. S'entrainer "light" il connaît pas. Pendant que d'autres racontent des histoires à leurs gamines ou font les vitrines à la recherche de la dernière paire de chaussures "fun", lui va chasser le daim.
Dommage pour lui. Il avait encore quelques bonnes années devant lui. Même si son mental fait qu'on le reverra bientôt. Pour sûr.
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Inscription: 20 Aoû 2011 22:21
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Messagepar thanos999 » 21 Aoû 2011 22:50

Au moins les cuisses seront symetriques avec le haut ...
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Localisation: Bob gym

Messagepar EdenLog » 21 Aoû 2011 23:06

Ce n'est ni mon préféré,ni celui que je vois gagner O cette année ,mais j'espère qu'il arrivera au top niveau pour cette compétition.Je pense à tous les sacrifices(heures d'entrainements,de préparation,de diet...) pour 1 journée au final,sa doit lui retourner l'estomac..
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Messagepar thanos999 » 21 Aoû 2011 23:33

pas d'olympa

"***Sunday afternoon update***

Doctors at Baylor Hospital in Texas diagnosed Branch Warrens leg injury as a torn quad tendon in his left leg. Warren will have surgery Monday morning. Doctors expect him to recover 100% and be able to return to the stage to defend the Arnold Classic title in March 2012.

"Branch is upbeat and relieved that he will be competing again in just seven months time," said Muscular Development Editor in Chief Steve Blechman who spoke to Warren after the diagnosis. "Branch is a fighter," said Blechman. "He will recover from this just like he recovered from his tricep injury. Its great news that he will be so soon after such a potentially devastating setback."

Warren says that if he feels up to it, he will call in to MD Radio Monday at 7 pm EDT/4 pm Pacific to give his fans the full story."
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Inscription: 12 Sep 2008 11:50
Localisation: Bob gym

Messagepar Tony80350 » 22 Aoû 2011 01:28

roh mouise :(
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Inscription: 24 Jan 2010 13:51

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 22 Aoû 2011 06:15

quand tu es très lourd, tu n'as pas le droit à un faux pas
c'est arrivé Art Atwood aussi
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Messagepar 300winmag » 22 Aoû 2011 06:27

Merci pour l'info.
Il ne s'est pas loupé. Rupture des quads, ça veut dire que les ligaments et ménisques on senti le chaud également. Heureusement pour lui les jambes étaient sont point fort. Ca lui laisse quelques espoirs. Mais les exemples passés (Zack Khan, JP Fux) n'autorisent pas à être franchement optimiste.
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Inscription: 20 Aoû 2011 22:21
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Messagepar Longinus » 22 Aoû 2011 09:42

thanos999 a écrit:Au moins les cuisses seront symetriques avec le haut ...

gaillard :P (mais bien trouvé :lol: )
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Inscription: 5 Juin 2009 13:58

Messagepar Tibo341 » 23 Aoû 2011 13:00

L'opération s'est bien passée et les chirurgiens sont confiants. Il a toutes les chances de défendre son titre a l'arnold !!

This morning Arnold Classic Champion Branch Warren had surgery to repair his left quad tendon. His doctors at Baylor Hospital in Texas said the surgery went better than expected. According to his wife, Trish, he is recovering comfortably at home and plans to begin rehabilitation as soon as possible.

Warren's doctors expect him recover 100 percent and have no doubt that he will be able to defend his Arnold Classic title.

The 2011 Arnold champ suffered a torn quad tendon on Saturday after slipping in a parking lot in Atlanta, Georgia. The injury has forced Warren to skip this year's Mr. Olympia competition September 16-17 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Warren, who placed second in 2009 and third in the 2010 Mr. Olympia competitions was expected to place high again in this year's show.
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Inscription: 9 Juin 2011 22:24
Localisation: Landes

Messagepar Tony80350 » 23 Aoû 2011 21:32

Oui mais ZK et JP Fux , eux , il s’étaient arraché les quadri, Branch, lui , ils disent qu'il peinais à monter dans sa voiture donc je penses que c'est pas si grave que les deux zigoto
Messages: 696
Inscription: 24 Jan 2010 13:51


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