Nutrimuscle Forum : Mobile & Tablette

PG Braun

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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

PG Braun

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 16 Sep 2008 10:59

Il remporte l'Atlantic city amateur ce week end
un futur pro


ses réactions face à la victoire

Hey Guys! Thought You'd like to here my perspective of the show yesterday.
I was lucky enough to get down there nice and early Friday. One of my clients has his own plane and he flew me right out of my hometowns little airport directly into Atlantic City. For those of you who ever get the chance to fly in a very small plane, think about what your getting into...Its kinda scary,lol! I cant complain though because I got there in 40 Minn, and its like a 3 and half to 4 hour drive! Friday I chilled in my room and just did my standard carb up. I woke up Saturday morning looking the best of my life! I was shredded and full and had a really nice grainy look going. When I went to the weigh in that morn I was 228. 4lbs heavier than I was at the North American weigh- ins, and about 10 lbs heavier than what I weighed on stage at the North American. My conditioning at that point was the best of my life! We were told to be ready to rock at 2. I went back to my room and followed my standard pregame protocol that consists of 2 rice cakes with Peanut butter starting after my first 2 meals every half hour until I get on stage. My water was cut at 10 the nite prior. At 1:30 we were informed that because of the huge masters pro class we were going to be pushed back until at 3...Problem...I checked out of my room at 1 and had not thought to have any more food prepared. Note to myself and everyone else...ALLWAYS BRING MORE FOOD THEN YOU THINK YOU WILL NEED!! I was pretty upset with myself for being careless in that sense. At this point I started to panic a little because I HATE going off my set game plan. IFBB pro Krissy Chin who is a good friend of mine hooked me up with 4oz of chicken that she had and I pared that with 4 rice cakes. I thought, no big deal, this wont throw me off. At 3 I went back to find out we were now being pushed back until 5! Some of the other guys competing were throwing temper tantrums and bugging out, but I never complain, I hate complainers. Sometimes in a crazy sport like this, you have to deal with situations like that and freaking out is only gonna make you smooth out! So, I went on another hunt for more food. Luckily I have made some good friends in this sport who were willing to go out of there way for me! Kriss Lecomte had a chicken Breast for me and My buddy John Bowland (fiance of IFBB figure pro Amy Frye) Got me a 4oz yam. By the time 5 O'clock came around my Condition was kinda faded and I was flattened out quite a bit, but I kept telling myself everyone else was probubly going through the same thing. Around 5:30 I got to take the stage and it was pretty funny, but as soon as I walked back stage my buddy Guy Cisternino was running over to me with a huge piece of pound cake. He goes, "dude, you really flattened out a lot, eat this right now!" He then proceeded to Cram the cake into my mouth much to the amusement of the Pro tan Girls who see all kinds of crazy stuff but weren't gonna miss watching one big dude feed another one,lol! Its crazy, but If you look at the overall posedown pictures I look way better, the cake worked fast.,haha! He kept stuffing it in my face the whole 5 minn I pumped up. I was actually still chewing when I walked out for the overall! The overall posedown was really fun and I had a good time playing it up to the crowd. When they announced they had a winner, all the guys started walking to the back and I stood in the center and hit the Sergio Victory pose all alone. A couple guys came up to me and said they thought it was great that I ended like that! Winning the Overall was Especially Awesome because the promoters Stokely Palmer and Ron Goldstein are paying my expenses to the next National show I compete in! How great is that!
Overall I had a really fun time. I got to meet a bunch of people from the boards. I hung out with the Mayor of Bodybuilding and his son, who are huge supporters of the sport, Darrin Dudash and his wife who were both looking alot more Jacked than the last time I saw them! I got to compete in front of all my east coast boys and I learned some new things about what works for me and what doesnt. Seeing the pro's come out after was great, I always get extra motivated when I see the guys I know I will be battling against in a few years! It really makes you want to train hard when you see those freaks!
I'm done for this year and I will be busting my ass to keep bringing up my legs. The boss Steve Blechman came up to me and said I have the Upper body of a Pro, I just need more Legs, especially in the glutes. I thought it was really cool that he took the time to Acknowledge me when there was so many things going on!
Its a work in progress, but I will get there. My next show will be Junior Nats, next year! Time to grow and Improve!
Thanks alot to Dave Palumbo for helping me all along the way with his Insight! Thanks to Colette Nelson who runs my website and took care of my color again. Thanks to all my boys, Kenny, Big Ev, Guy, Kris, Dom, Troy and Author from ALR, all my girls, Jen, Lisa, Dora...Kat, Jeff, Joel and the rest of the SPECIES crew and most of all to my Girlfriend Nicole! Nicole has been through all my ups and downs by my side and I couldn't ask for a better partner!
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Messages: 55484
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

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