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Le calcium et les biotiques contre l'hyperuricémie ?

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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

Le calcium et les biotiques contre l'hyperuricémie ?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 9 Mar 2022 12:21

Urate-Lowering Effect of Calcium Supplementation: Analyses of a Randomized Controlled Trial
Flávia Galvão Cândido Cli Nutr March 08, 2022

• Hyperuricemia is associated with obesity-related comorbidities.
• Low habitual calcium intake may improve intestinal calcium absorption.
• Calcium supplementation reduced serum urate concentrations.

To investigate if the gout-protective effect of low-fat dairy products could be attributed to the urate-lowering effect of calcium.
This is a placebo-controlled trial in which thirty-five adult (aged 18-42 years) female low-calcium consumers (<800 mg/d) were randomized to one of three treatment groups: low calcium breakfast (control, ∼70 mg of calcium/d) - C or high-calcium breakfast (∼770 mg/d) from calcium citrate - CIT or from skim milk - SM, during 45 consecutive days. Breakfasts were matched for potential confounders and were provided as part of an energy-restricted normoprotein diet containing an additional 800 mg of calcium/d. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry measurements (body fat assessment) and fasting blood samples (urate, ionic calcium, PTH, and 1,25-(OH)2-D3) were taken at baseline and the end of the experiment.

Despite no significant changes in total body weight/fat, CIT and SM led to a significant reduction in serum urate and ionic calcium, but did not affect PTH and vitamin D concentrations compared to C. CIT and SM reduced baseline serum urate by ∼14% and ∼17%, respectively. There was a trend to a positive correlation between changes in serum urate and changes in ionic calcium on day 45 (r = 0.327, P = 0.055).
Calcium supplementation (770 mg/d from dairy or calcium citrate) reduced serum urate concentrations, suggesting that the gout-protective effect of low-fat dairy consumption is at least partly due to a urate-lowering effect of calcium.
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Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Re: Le calcium contre l'hyperuricémie ?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 9 Mar 2022 12:23

The potential of probiotics in the amelioration of hyperuricemia
Hongyuan Zhao Food & Function Issue 5, 2022

Hyperuricemia is a common disease caused by metabolic disorders or the excessive intake of high-purine foods. Persistent hyperuricemia in extreme cases induces gout, and asymptomatic hyperuricemia is probably linked to other metabolic diseases, such as hypertension. The typical damage caused by asymptomatic hyperuricemia includes inflammation, oxidative stress and gut dysbiosis. Probiotics have broad potential applications as food additives, not as drug therapies, in the amelioration of hyperuricemia. In this review, we describe novel methods for potential hyperuricemia amelioration with probiotics. The pathways through which probiotics may ameliorate hyperuricemia are discussed, including the decrease in uric acid production through purine assimilation and XOD (xanthine oxidase) inhibition as well as enhanced excretion of uric acid production by promoting ABCG2 (ATP binding cassette subfamily G member 2) activity, respectively. Three possible probiotic-related therapeutic pathways for alleviating the syndrome of hyperuricemia are also summarized. The first mechanism is to alleviate the oxidation and inflammation induced by hyperuricemia through the inhibition of NLRP3 inflammasome, the second is to restore damaged intestinal epithelium barriers and prevent gut microbiota dysbiosis, and the third is to enhance the innate immune system by increasing the secretion of immunoglobulin A (sIgA) to resist the stimulus by hyperuricemia.

We propose that future research should focus on superior strain resource isolation and insight into the cause-effect mechanisms of probiotics for hyperuricemia amelioration. The safety and effects of the application of probiotics in clinical use also need verification.
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Messages: 55484
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Re: Le calcium et les biotiques contre l'hyperuricémie ?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Diététique » 11 Mar 2022 18:06

Traduction de l'étude :wink:

Le potentiel des probiotiques dans l'amélioration de l'hyperuricémie
Hongyuan Zhao Nourriture et fonction Numéro 5, 2022

L'hyperuricémie est une maladie courante causée par des troubles métaboliques ou la consommation excessive d'aliments riches en purine. L'hyperuricémie persistante dans les cas extrêmes induit la goutte, et l'hyperuricémie asymptomatique est probablement liée à d'autres maladies métaboliques, telles que l'hypertension. Les dommages typiques causés par l'hyperuricémie asymptomatique comprennent l'inflammation, le stress oxydatif et la dysbiose intestinale. Les probiotiques ont de vastes applications potentielles en tant qu'additifs alimentaires, et non en tant que thérapies médicamenteuses, dans l'amélioration de l'hyperuricémie. Dans cette revue, nous décrivons de nouvelles méthodes pour l'amélioration potentielle de l'hyperuricémie avec des probiotiques. Les voies par lesquelles les probiotiques peuvent améliorer l'hyperuricémie sont discutées, y compris la diminution de la production d'acide urique par l'assimilation des purines et l'inhibition de la XOD (xanthine oxydase) ainsi que l'excrétion accrue de la production d'acide urique en favorisant l'activité ABCG2 (ATP binding cassette subfamily G member 2) , respectivement. Trois voies thérapeutiques possibles liées aux probiotiques pour soulager le syndrome d'hyperuricémie sont également résumées. Le premier mécanisme est d'atténuer l'oxydation et l'inflammation induites par l'hyperuricémie par l'inhibition de l'inflammasome NLRP3, le second est de restaurer les barrières épithéliales intestinales endommagées et de prévenir la dysbiose du microbiote intestinal, et le troisième est de renforcer le système immunitaire inné en augmentant la sécrétion de immunoglobuline A (sIgA) pour résister au stimulus de l'hyperuricémie.

Nous proposons que les recherches futures se concentrent sur l'isolation supérieure des ressources de souches et la compréhension des mécanismes de cause à effet des probiotiques pour l'amélioration de l'hyperuricémie. La sécurité et les effets de l'application de probiotiques en usage clinique doivent également être vérifiés
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Inscription: 4 Mar 2013 09:39
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