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La caseine avant d'aller dormir aide à faire du muscle

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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

La caseine avant d'aller dormir aide à faire du muscle

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 24 Mar 2012 20:06

Protein Ingestion Prior To Sleep Improves Post-Exercise Overnight Recovery
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: POST ACCEPTANCE, 9 February 2012
Res, Peter T.; Groen, Bart; Pennings, Bart; Beelen, Milou; Wallis, Gareth A.; Gijsen, Annemie P.; Senden, Joan M.G.; van Loon, Luc J.C.

Introduction: The role of nutrition in modulating post-exercise overnight recovery remains to be elucidated. We assessed the impact of protein ingestion immediately prior to sleep on digestion and absorption kinetics and protein metabolism during overnight recovery from a single bout of resistance type exercise.

Methods: 16 healthy young males performed a single bout of resistance type exercise in the evening (20:00) after a full day of dietary standardization. All subjects were provided with appropriate recovery nutrition (20 g protein, 60 g carbohydrate) immediately after exercise (21:00). Thereafter, 30 min prior to sleep (23:30 h) subjects ingested a beverage with (PRO) or without (PLA) 40 g specifically produced intrinsically [1-13C]phenylalanine labeled casein protein. Continuous intravenous infusions with [ring-2H5]phenylalanine and [ring-2H2]tyrosine were applied with blood and muscle samples collected to assess protein digestion and absorption kinetics, whole-body protein balance and mixed muscle protein synthesis rates throughout the night (7.5 h).

Results: During sleep casein protein was effectively digested and absorbed resulting in a rapid rise in circulating amino acid levels which were sustained throughout the remainder of the night. Protein ingestion prior to sleep increased whole-body protein synthesis rates (311+/-8 vs 246+/-9 ~molkg-1 7.5 h -1) and improved net protein balance (61+/-5 vs -11+/-6 [mu]molkg-17.5 h -1) in the PRO vs PLA experiment, respectively; P<0.01). Mixed muscle protein synthesis rates were ~22% higher in the PRO vs PLA experiment, which reached borderline significance (0.059+/-0.005 vs 0.048+/-0.004 %[middle dot]h-1; P=0.05).

Conclusion: This is the first study to show that protein ingested immediately prior to sleep is effectively digested and absorbed, thereby stimulating muscle protein synthesis and improving whole-body protein balance during post-exercise, overnight recovery.
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Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Messagepar sallory » 28 Mar 2012 09:31

Nutrimuscle-Conseils a écrit:Protein Ingestion Prior To Sleep Improves Post-Exercise Overnight Recovery
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: POST ACCEPTANCE, 9 February 2012
Res, Peter T.; Groen, Bart; Pennings, Bart; Beelen, Milou; Wallis, Gareth A.; Gijsen, Annemie P.; Senden, Joan M.G.; van Loon, Luc J.C.

Introduction: The role of nutrition in modulating post-exercise overnight recovery remains to be elucidated. We assessed the impact of protein ingestion immediately prior to sleep on digestion and absorption kinetics and protein metabolism during overnight recovery from a single bout of resistance type exercise.

Methods: 16 healthy young males performed a single bout of resistance type exercise in the evening (20:00) after a full day of dietary standardization. All subjects were provided with appropriate recovery nutrition (20 g protein, 60 g carbohydrate) immediately after exercise (21:00). Thereafter, 30 min prior to sleep (23:30 h) subjects ingested a beverage with (PRO) or without (PLA) 40 g specifically produced intrinsically [1-13C]phenylalanine labeled casein protein. Continuous intravenous infusions with [ring-2H5]phenylalanine and [ring-2H2]tyrosine were applied with blood and muscle samples collected to assess protein digestion and absorption kinetics, whole-body protein balance and mixed muscle protein synthesis rates throughout the night (7.5 h).

Results: During sleep casein protein was effectively digested and absorbed resulting in a rapid rise in circulating amino acid levels which were sustained throughout the remainder of the night. Protein ingestion prior to sleep increased whole-body protein synthesis rates (311+/-8 vs 246+/-9 ~molkg-1 7.5 h -1) and improved net protein balance (61+/-5 vs -11+/-6 [mu]molkg-17.5 h -1) in the PRO vs PLA experiment, respectively; P<0.01). Mixed muscle protein synthesis rates were ~22% higher in the PRO vs PLA experiment, which reached borderline significance (0.059+/-0.005 vs 0.048+/-0.004 %[middle dot]h-1; P=0.05).

Conclusion: This is the first study to show that protein ingested immediately prior to sleep is effectively digested and absorbed, thereby stimulating muscle protein synthesis and improving whole-body protein balance during post-exercise, overnight recovery.

Aurait-on eu le même résultat avec n'importe quelle autre source de protéines ? Il aurait fallu comparer caséine contre viande/poisson/oeufs, plutôt que caséine contre rien, non ?
Messages: 328
Inscription: 27 Aoû 2010 19:14

Messagepar Phennex » 28 Mar 2012 12:30

Il l'a déjà expliqué, leurs but est aussi de montrer que les compléments alimentaires ne sont pas "inutiles" donc de fait, ils comparent une prise de protéine face à rien, afin qu'ils soient plus explicit

Après oui, du coup, cela fausse les données si une personne normale a manger de la viande (etc) avant de se coucher, mais honnêtement, tu en connait beaucoup qui vont manger un bout de viande à 23h juste avant d'aller dormir ? :D
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Inscription: 19 Mar 2012 22:35
Localisation: Merignac

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 28 Mar 2012 12:34

l'avantage de la poudre, c'est que tu as un max de protéines pour un minimum de calories
mais si tu manges n'importe quelle protéine c'est mieux que rien
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Messages: 55273
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Messagepar itachisama » 28 Mar 2012 14:34

et la poudre a un rapport qualité prix imbattable
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Inscription: 25 Déc 2008 07:04

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