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Cinéma : un film sur la vie de Rocky...

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Cinéma : un film sur la vie de Rocky...

Messagepar Gilles » 3 Sep 2014 06:46

Il s'agit d'un film en préparation sur la vie de Rocky Marciano, le seul champion du monde poids lourd à avoir accompli une carrière professionnelle sans aucune défaite, soit après 49 combats, ce qui explique le titre prévu à ce film : "49-0 / The Brockton Blockbuster", Brockton étant sa ville natale où le film devrait être partiellement tourné. La production devrait commencer l'année prochaine. Rocky Marciano est mort dans un accident d'avion en août 1969, à la veille de son 46e anniversaire.

Real-Life Rocky to be Subject of New Biopic


The movie about undefeated heavyweight champion Rocky Marciano is being made with the cooperation of the boxer's family

The real-life inspiration for Sylvester Stallone's Rocky Balboa is set to be the subject of a new biopic.

Rocky Marciano's estate, including his brother Peter and son Rocky Marciano Jr., are working with City of Peace Films and director Dustin Marcellino on 49-0/The Brockton Blockbuster.

The film is set to be directed by Marcellino — whose directorial debut The Identical, starring Ray Liotta and Ashley Judd, hits theaters Friday — and will be written by the Marcellino family, longtime fans of Marciano.

“Rocky Marciano was my great grandfather’s all-time favorite fighter, which was passed down to all of us in the Marcellino family." Marcellino said in a statement. "The Marcellinos and the Marcianos have truly become family during the development of this project, and we are honored to tell this generation about a man, a son, a brother, a husband and a father who rose up out of the streets of Brockton to change the world in his generation."

Marciano was the only undefeated heavyweight champion in history.

“My father is still counted as one of the greatest heavyweight fighters of all time, and if he were alive today he would be proud that we are working to bring the true story of his life to the big screen," Rocky Marciano Jr. said in a statement. "I am thrilled that the Marciano family; together with City of Peace films, is working on a movie that will tell the story about my father...the real Rocky story."

The film is set to shoot in Marciano's hometown of Brockton, Mass.

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Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Cinéma : un film sur la vie de Rocky...

Messagepar MetallicA » 3 Sep 2014 10:04

Cool j'adore la boxe! :thumb:
Messages: 4
Inscription: 2 Sep 2014 15:59

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