Blood nitrate and nitrite modulating nitric oxide bioavailability: Potential therapeutic functions in COVID-19
HideoYamasaki Nitric Oxide Volume 103, 1 October 2020, Pages 29-30
Most outcomes of COVID-19 are associated with dysfunction of the vascular system, particularly in the lung. Inhalation of nitric oxide (NO) gas is currently being investigated as a treatment for patients with moderate to severe COVID-19. In addition to the expected vasodilation effect, it has been also suggested that NO potentially prevents infection by SARS-CoV-2. Since NO is an unstable radical molecule that is easily oxidized by multiple mechanisms in the human body, it is practically difficult to control its concentration at lesions that need NO. Inorganic nitrate and/or nitrite are known as precursors of NO that can be produced through chemical as well enzymatic reduction. It appears that this NO synthase (NOS)-independent mechanism has been overlooked in the current developing of clinical treatments. Here, I suggest the missing link between nitrate and COVID-19 in terms of hypoxic NO generation.