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La créatine contre les migraines?

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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

La créatine contre les migraines?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 16 Juin 2020 19:26

Creatine loading for chronic migraine?
Sergej M Ostojic Cephalagia June 2, 2020

A disbalance in brain creatine levels has been found in various brain pathologies, including inherited creatine deficiency syndromes, neurodegenerative diseases, and stroke (4). A reduction of brain creatine modifies the energy requirements of cells and eventually leads to oxidative stress and neuronal death that typically affects certain brain areas (e.g. thalamus, cerebellum, white matter tracts, cortical grey matter), with the restoration of cerebral creatine after therapeutic creatine supplementation accompanied by an improvement of clinical outcomes in certain conditions (e.g. Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, amiotrophic lateral sclerosis, stroke).

Tackling brain creatine deficit with oral creatine (C4H9N3O2) following traumatic headaches can also lead to favorable alterations in biological markers related to specific neuropathology and improves patient-reported outcomes in clinical studies (5). Specifically, creatine loading could enable maintaining/restoring the cell membrane potentials and ATP buffering, and might reduce migraine-like symptoms (e.g. headache, dizziness, light and sound sensitivity) after mild traumatic brain injury in the pediatric population (6,7).

These promising results in secondary headaches should be extended to chronic migraine and verified by direct investigation of the relationship between brain creatine levels and clinical outcomes after an intervention.
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Re: La créatine contre les migraines?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 16 Juin 2020 19:28

"Modulation of thalamic creatine levels by supplementation furthermore has the potential to answer whether the observed total creatine reduction is a consequence of the headaches or if it contributes directly to generation or maintenance of the headaches. It would also be possible to examine whether the reduced total creatine levels are coupled to the concomitant reductions in thalamic total N-acetylaspartate observed in our study; that is, whether altered energy homeostasis leads to compromised neuronal health. It is noteworthy that a study on creatine supplementation in CM would have to control for the diet (vegetarian vs. non-vegetarian) and exercise patterns, as both can influence the available creatine levels (5). Finally, the long-term effects of creatine supplementation on endogenous creatine synthesis in the brain remains largely unknown and require further studies."
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Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

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