Actualités sport, fitness & musculation, vidéos des pros, études scientifiques. Discutez avec la communauté Nutrimuscle et partagez votre expérience...
"So...this just happened. Legs were fried from earlier sets, toss on 75lbs of chains around the neck and go for it! Why not, it's better to outwork the others than get by on talent."
"Something different for my back. Totally snagged this from my man Aaron Clark goin beast on these. I was limited in weight so pushed the reps up a bit."
"12 weeks of punishing workouts, trashed muscles, and endless soreness. You guys have GOT to check this out! I've been using a product called StoryTeller. Simply stated, it works for non-irritating relief of body soreness."
"Squeeze and deplete...last few days of training until the stage this Friday. "
"Day 2 of depletion. Whole body trash but decided to show ya this one. Machine chest press Muscle Rounds, supersetted with dips/push ups to failure. You'll stop laughing when you try it!"