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dennis wolf interview

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dennis wolf interview

Messagepar thanos999 » 13 Oct 2009 12:15

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Messagepar thanos999 » 13 Oct 2009 12:15 ... c=301825.0
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Re: WOLF INTERVIEW in German language - Oct 9th.
« Reply #1 on: Today at 02:42:34 AM »

1. First week after the olympia he was very disappointed!

2. What went wrong? Chad overloaded Dennis, but Dennis trusted him! Already on Thursday after first loading his condition was bad.

4. "Not even an amateur looks that bad in a competition".

5. Chad told him that he looks good, very strange.

6. He said, that he looked much better 5 weeks out.

7. Dennis can't believe that Chad ruined his preparation so badly.

8. Dennis will move to amerika. He will do his own prep in the future.
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Messages: 15275
Inscription: 12 Sep 2008 11:50
Localisation: Bob gym

Messagepar thanos999 » 13 Oct 2009 21:33

he's blaming his "guru" Jett( that's the way he pronounces it, but we all know who he's talking about) for "overloading" him. he put all his faith into this guy and followed his prep to the letter." the guy just Fu**t up. there's no excuse for something like this, even an amateur looks better then i did. i don't know what he was thinking, he just fu**t up". he knew it was bad and that he had totally spilled over when he couldn't get a pump backstage and just started to sweat a lot. once he saw himself on the big screen when doing a back pose on stage he knew it was all over. Dennis fired his guy on Sunday right after the O and will never uses any "guru" again. he's looking into the future. this was done 2 weeks after the O and he'll go back to training in a week, want's to do a couple of shows next year and all the prep will be done in the US since Dennis is moving to America in January. he's speculating that since he came in too flat last year, Jett tried to get him on stage looking fuller, but "since he doesn't know what the Fu** he's doing or how to do that" Dennis looked like sh**. he acknowledges that in the end it's him up on that stage ( the buck stops here kind of thing) but he'll never put that much faith into anyone else again, because he's the athlete and he's the one who makes $ with this. said everyone who worked with Jett this year looked bad. " he just made me look awful". he has to work through it and go on to next year.
that's about the gist of it. sorry I'm not doing a full on translation, but my 2 fingers would get too tired and it would take way too long. i don't like all of you that much
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Messages: 15275
Inscription: 12 Sep 2008 11:50
Localisation: Bob gym

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 13 Oct 2009 21:42

thanos999 a écrit: he put all his faith into this guy and followed his prep to the letter."

il ne faut pas qu'il nous prenne pour des pélicans
Chad, il sait amener les gars au top
le seul truc, c'est que tu es complétement cassé après
mais je ne pense pas qu'un gars qui suive ses conseils arrivent en aussi mauvaise forme
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