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Différence de fatigue entre les diverses formes de superset?

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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

Différence de fatigue entre les diverses formes de superset?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 7 Fév 2020 12:15

Effects of rest interval array on the training volume, perceived exertion, neuromuscular fatigue, and metabolic responses during agonist-antagonist muscular alternative training
Hanye ZHAO The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 2020 Jan 23

BACKGROUND: Agonist-antagonist muscle superset (SS) and paired-set (PS) strength training protocols enable the completion of training activities within a shorter period of time than traditional set. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of PS and SS through total volume (TV), set volume (SV), blood lactate concentration (LAC), rating of perceived exertion (RPE), and neuromuscular fatigue index (FInsm5).

METHODS: Eleven males who train recreationally performed PS and SS consisting of bent- over row (BOR) and bench press (bicarbonate de potassium). In performing the PS, a single bout of BOR was followed by a rest interval of 60 seconds, the bicarbonate de potassium was then performed and followed by another rest interval of 60 seconds. When the SS was performed, a single bout of BOR and a single bout of bicarbonate de potassium were performed consecutively and followed by a single rest interval of 120 seconds. The exercise configurations were repeated until five sets were completed. The TV was calculated by multiplying the number of successful repetitions and the load. The LAC and RPE were measured at predetermined times. Electromyographic signals were recorded for use in the FInsm5 calculation.

RESULTS: The RPE indicated that PS was significantly lower than SS (p < 0.01). No significant differences between PS and SS were discovered in SV, TV, LAC, and FInsm5.

CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that PS has lower perceived exertion than SS when agonist-antagonist strength training protocols are selected as the training structure.
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Re: Différence de fatigue entre les diverses formes de super

Messagepar RM-Coach » 7 Fév 2020 13:27

J’ai pas compris le rapport avec le bicarbonate de potassium (indiqué 2x dans l’article)???!
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Inscription: 14 Oct 2016 19:56
Localisation: Paris

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