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Effet de différents sports sur la solidité osseuse?

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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

Effet de différents sports sur la solidité osseuse?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 25 Mar 2020 15:57

Bone mineral density in male weight-classified athletes is higher than that in male endurance-athletes and non-athletes
Hiroyuki Sagayama j.clnesp.2020.01.008

Weight-bearing physical activity and intense mechanical stimuli affect the bone through the endocrine system; hence, bone-loading sports affect bone mineral density. We hypothesized that weight-classified athletes, such as those practicing wrestling and judo, have relatively high bone mineral density because these activities have a higher impact on the entire body during daily training compared to low- or non-impact activities. We aimed to investigate the bone mineral density of weight-classified athletes (participating in wrestling and judo) to compare the parameters with those of endurance-athletes and non-athletes.

Thirty-three college athletes (aged 18–22 years) were divided into three groups, wrestlers, judoka, and endurance-athletes, according to their sports history. Eight non-athletes participated as controls. Bone mineral density was determined by whole-body dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry.

Mean whole-body bone mineral density of wrestlers and judoka was higher than that of endurance-athletes and non-athletes (P < 0.01). The bone mineral density of athletes competing in wrestling and judo was higher than that of non-athletes when adjusted for body mass.

The present study demonstrated that weight-classified athletes have significantly higher bone mineral density compared to endurance- and non-athletes, despite rapid weight loss before competitions.
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