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L'effet négatif de la mastrubation dans le bodybuilding

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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

L'effet négatif de la mastrubation dans le bodybuilding

Messagepar Tony80350 » 5 Juil 2013 00:16

A very common question that I am receiving through my gmail is – ” Does Masturbation has a negative effect on gaining muscles”. I have gone through the suggestions and opinions of many nutritional writers and fitness experts, physiologists and even sexologists on this issue. But you won’t believe , there is a huge difference in their thinking and conceptions regarding this issue.

From a very broad perspective and after a huge research on my part, I am telling you in just one statement, “YES”, masturbation does have a negative effect on muscle growth. Don’t get me wrong guys, i am not saying you believe blindly on me, but many have experienced this fact and you too can. Just stop masturbating for 3 weeks and continue your workouts. You will experience high energy levels, less lethargic and more motivated. Many renowned persons say that there is no connection between sexual energy and physical energy but let me tell you very frankly, it is not so. Your blood’s finest part is utilized in sperm formation and if you waste so much of it, then you are definitely going to hamper your progress towards muscle growth. You need to channelize your whole mechanism to remain anabolic as far as possible, but you will not be able to do so if you masturbate often. Scientists say that sperm production is a natural phenomenon and sperm gets released during urination also. It’s true but more sperm loss leads to more involvement of precious nutrients in catabolic activities which are required by your body to grow. It takes about 70-80 days for sperm formation and it is the essence of your body in true terms.

I would just say that avoid ejaculating it if you can. Do not do it often.
Messages: 696
Inscription: 24 Jan 2010 13:51

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