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Il faut que les neu-neu arrêtent de fréquenter les salles

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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

Il faut que les neu-neu arrêtent de fréquenter les salles

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 12 Déc 2010 22:30

Woman crippled by Cybex exercise machine wins $66M

Weight falls on small company By Donna Goodison

A New York woman rendered a quadriplegic after a Cybex weight machine crushed her vertebra won a $66 million jury verdict that threatens to bankrupt the Medway company.

Cybex International Inc. said it’s responsible for $49.5 million of the judgment in favor of Natalie Barnhard, 30, of Buffalo. The verdict in New York state Supreme Court was one of the largest personal injury awards ever in Erie County.

The company, which has less than $4 million in insurance to cover the claim, said it will “vigorously pursue” an appeal.

“This piece of equipment has been in continuous operation for over 25 years in the same facility as Ms. Barnhard was injured, to the current date, with no incidents reported other than this one event,” Cybex CEO John Aglialoro said in a statement. “We strongly believe that Cybex was not negligent and is in no way responsible for this tragic accident.”

Cybex’s statement said Barnhard “pulled a Cybex weight machine over on herself” in 2004. Barnhard, then 24, was at work as a physical therapist assistant at Amherst Orthopedic Physical Therapy in Buffalo when the accident occurred.

Her attorney, Kevin English, said while doing a shoulder stretch, Barnhard had her hand on top of the leg extension machine, and it fell onto her when she stretched back with her shoulder and arm.

On her Web site,, Barnhard said it took four people to lift the 500-pound machine off her.

“I remember not being able to feel my body on the ground,” she wrote. “I have never been so scared in my whole life because . . . I knew I had suffered an extremely severe life-changing injury.”

If the verdict stands, it “would likely bankrupt” Cybex, analyst Reed Anderson of D.A. Davidson & Co. said in a report. Cybex’s earnings wouldn’t cover its operating expenses and the estimated $45 million it would need to borrow for the judgment, he said.

Shares of Cybex plunged 37 percent in trading yesterday after the company announced the verdict.

Barnhard was unavailable for comment, but English said the verdict was “warranted, given the injuries to Natalie and what’s she got to deal with the rest of her life.”

“She’s an extraordinary young lady, and I think she’s relieved and sees this as hope for her to be able to make some of her own decisions,” English said.
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Messagepar chapochapi » 12 Déc 2010 22:56

Je ne comprends absolument pas la logique de ces compensations phénoménales. Déja avec rien que les intérêts de 10 millions de dollars, elle aurait de quoi vivre alors 66...
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Inscription: 28 Jan 2009 07:03

Messagepar QUI » 13 Déc 2010 00:29

moi jai detruit tout mon salon (armoire, chaises table basse) avec une methode de training revolutionnaire
je dois porter plainte chez le suedois pour meuble fragile ne supportant pas un double pushup inversé sur un bras niveau turbo 6 jours ou aupres de lauteur de la methode ?
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Messagepar QUI » 13 Déc 2010 00:34

ils sont bien ces mouvements ?

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Messagepar lorant » 13 Déc 2010 01:23

c est moche tout ça :lol:
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Messagepar OLYBAR » 13 Déc 2010 05:40

C'est fou cette justice qui déresponsablise totalement les gens. C'est inquiétant :roll:
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Messagepar Silver » 13 Déc 2010 10:07

C'est pas nouveau aux usa
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Messagepar ed » 13 Déc 2010 10:41

Aux usa c'est du grand n'importe quoi la justice !
Ca me fait penser a un dessin de voutch ( dessinateur humoriste) : " mon mari est mort dans son lit , j'ai bien l'intention d'attaquer la société dunlopillo en justice" :lol:
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Inscription: 4 Jan 2010 17:16

Messagepar Free » 13 Déc 2010 11:58

Quelle horreur ce mouvement de cross over, il va se déboiter les épaules et se déchirer un pec. :shock:
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Messagepar ZenBody » 15 Déc 2010 21:56

Hilarant....ce sont des êtres humains... :)
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Messagepar NIKOULY » 18 Déc 2010 20:37

mes pecs ont mal pour lui...
Mais je m'attendais au pire à la fin de la vidéo, du genre le pec qui "lâche"!
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