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Ta femme attend un enfant: c'est normal que t'es pu de testo

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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

Ta femme attend un enfant: c'est normal que t'es pu de testo

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 27 Mar 2020 14:16

Life history and individual differences in male testosterone: Mixed evidence for early environmental calibration of testosterone response to first-time fatherhood
Randy Corpuza Hormones and Behavior Volume 120, April 2020, 104684

• Father's testosterone declines and rebounds after childbirth.
• Harsh and unstable childhood environments influence slopes.
• Events in childhood mattered more than subjective recall of events.

Male testosterone (T) decreases in response to childbirth. Longitudinal support for this has come from samples across cultures. In this study, we look at individual differences in this phenomenon. Utilizing a sample of U.S. fathers, we employ life history theory to investigate the influence of a father's early experience on his neuroendocrine response to fatherhood. We conducted three home visits (n = 226 fathers) from the third trimester of pregnancy to when infants were 10 months old.

In this sample, T declined from the third trimester of (a partner's) pregnancy to the early months of the postnatal period. T recovered to pre-birth levels by the time infants reached 10 months old. We did not find any evidence that one's subjective experience of their early environment could account for any meaningful variability in T calibration. Objective, “event” measures of early harshness (i.e., death of a sibling/friend) and unpredictability (i.e., parent upheaval) each uniquely predicted a younger age of sexual debut. Neither harshness nor unpredictability had any (direct or indirect) effects on T calibration. Age of sexual debut did predict the rate of T recovery from 3 to 10 months postnatal. The younger one's sexual debut, the more accelerated their T ascent during this period. We discuss the potential reasons for, and implications of our mixed results.
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Re: Ta femme attend un enfant: c'est normal que t'es pu de t

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 27 Mar 2020 14:19

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Re: Ta femme attend un enfant: c'est normal que t'es pu de t

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 27 Mar 2020 14:23

pour optimiser ta testo, il faut jamais se lever

On average, T levels are at their peak at the moment of wakeup and decline throughout the day. Kuzawa et al. (2016) found that 60% of this decline may occur in the first 30 min of waking
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Messages: 55370
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Re: Ta femme attend un enfant: c'est normal que t'es pu de t

Messagepar Gerard » 27 Mar 2020 15:41

Nutrimuscle-Conseils a écrit:pour optimiser ta testo, il faut jamais se lever

On average, T levels are at their peak at the moment of wakeup and decline throughout the day. Kuzawa et al. (2016) found that 60% of this decline may occur in the first 30 min of waking

D'où l'importance de bien dormir et surtout suffisamment ?
Messages: 464
Inscription: 17 Avr 2013 19:12

Re: Ta femme attend un enfant: c'est normal que t'es pu de t

Messagepar Yoda » 27 Mar 2020 16:26

C'est de la rigolade l'attente , après c'est autre chose.
Les enfants sont pas des amis de la masse.
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Inscription: 15 Jan 2011 22:19

Re: Ta femme attend un enfant: c'est normal que t'es pu de t

Messagepar GuitS13 » 28 Mar 2020 13:59

'' pour optimiser ta testo il faut jamais se lever ''

Non pour optimiser ta testo faut sauter du train en marche :mrgreen:
Le meilleur stimulant pour la testo c est d avoir une femme dans ton pieux... :thumb:

Comme dis Yoda c est apres que les choses se compliquent....
Messages: 84
Inscription: 12 Nov 2019 18:20

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