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Si ta femme est au régime, c'est que tu es attirant

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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

Si ta femme est au régime, c'est que tu es attirant

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 15 Juil 2017 14:07

Adopting a dyadic perspective to better understand the association between physical attractiveness and dieting motivations and behaviors
Body Image Volume 22, September 2017, Pages 48-52

• Links among own and partner attractiveness and dieting motivations differ by sex.
• Less attractive women with more attractive partners report higher motivations.
• Less attractive women with less attractive partners report lower motivations.

• Men’s attractiveness was not significantly associated with their motivations.

The relationship between women’s objective physical attractiveness and their dieting motivations and behaviors may depend upon their social environment—specifically, their romantic partners’ attractiveness—such that less attractive women with more attractive partners may be particularly motivated to diet. Theoretically, men’s dieting motivations should not depend on their partners’ attractiveness. We tested this possibility using a sample of 223 U.S. newlywed spouses. After completing measures assessing dieting motivations, each participant was photographed; we used those photographs to code spouses’ objective facial and body attractiveness. Results demonstrated that own and partner attractiveness interacted to predict only women’s dieting motivations and behaviors.

Less attractive wives married to more (versus less) attractive husbands reported more dieting motivations and behaviors.

In contrast, men’s dieting motivations were not significantly associated with their own and their partners’ attractiveness.

These findings highlight the value of adopting a dyadic approach to understanding dieting motivations.
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