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Un film sur Kimbo Slice

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Un film sur Kimbo Slice

Messagepar Gilles » 11 Oct 2017 05:45


Un biopic sur le combattant de MMA Kevin Ferguson alias Kimbo Slice décédé subitement l'année dernière à l'âge de 42 ans est en préparation. Il sera produit par Steve Lee Jones et Andy et Michael Weiss. Simon Brand réalisera le scénario écrit par d'Andy Weiss (co-auteur de Bigger)...

Simon Brand : “Those who only knew Kimbo by viewing his brawls saw him as fierce and frightening beast of a man, but those close to him experienced his heart of gold, and that he used his fists and instruments to raise his family out of poverty, he was a loyal friend and devoted father. Kimbo’s story transcends the ring, it is a story about the power of the internet, the lengths one will go to break out of desperation and it is a success story shared with his longtime friend turned manager and adult entertainment magnate Michael Imber as they both emerge from the slums of Miami.”

MMA Fighter Kimbo Slice Biopic In The Works
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