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Fouad Abiad forfait pour Mr Olympia...

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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

Fouad Abiad forfait pour Mr Olympia...

Messagepar Gilles » 30 Aoû 2015 18:58

Fouad Abiad annonce sur sa page Facebook : "With a heavy heart and confused mind I have decided to sit out the 2015 Olympia for personal/family reasons. I've worked very hard to get here this year but things come up and life sometimes takes precedence. I want to SINCERELY apologize to all of you who support me and hope that I haven't let you down too bad.
I always aim to make my supporters proud and I know this isn't a good way to do it but I hope that you will understand and continue to support me moving forward. We had a great year together, one speed bump won't stop us, it'll just slow us down for a second. The 2016 year will be bigger and even better!"

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Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

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