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Un fruit par jour réduirait les maladies cardiovasculaires

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Un fruit par jour réduirait les maladies cardiovasculaires

Messagepar Gilles » 13 Sep 2014 12:38

Communication faite lors du Congrès Européen de Cardiologie à Barcelone le 1er septembre.
Fruit consumption cuts CVD risk by up to 40 percent

Barcelona, Spain – Monday 1 September 2014: Daily fruit consumption cuts the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) by up to 40%, according to research presented at ESC Congress today by Dr Huaidong Du from Oxford, UK. The findings from the seven year follow-up study of nearly 0.5 million people in the China Kadoorie Biobank found that the more fruit people ate, the more their risk of CVD declined.

Dr Du said: "CVD, including ischaemic heart disease (IHD) and stroke, is the leading cause of death worldwide. Improving diet and lifestyle is critical for CVD risk reduction in the general population but the large majority of this evidence has come from western countries and hardly any from China."

She added: "China has a different pattern of CVD, with stroke as the main cause compared to western countries where IHD is more prevalent. Previous studies have combined ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke probably due to the limited number of stroke cases in their datasets. Given their different physiology and risk factors, we have conducted the first large prospective study on the association of fruit with subtypes of stroke in Chinese adults from both rural and urban areas."

The current study included 451 681 participants with no history of CVD and not on anti-hypertensive treatment at baseline from the China Kadoorie Biobank(1) conducted in 10 different areas of China, 5 rural and 5 urban. Habitual consumption of fruit was recorded at baseline according to five categories: never, monthly, 1-3 days per week, 4-6 days per week, daily.

Over the seven year follow up period there were 19 300 cases of IHD and 19 689 strokes (14 688 ischaemic and 3562 haemorrhagic). Some 18% of participants consumed fruit daily and 6.3% never consumed fruit. The average amount of fruit eaten by the daily consumers was 1.5 portions (~150g) (2).

The researchers found that compared to people who never ate fruit, those who ate fruit daily cut their CVD risks by 25-40% (around 15% for IHD, around 25% for ischaemic stroke and 40% for haemorrhagic stroke). There was a dose response relationship between the frequency of fruit consumption and the risk of CVD (see figure).

Dr Du said: "Our data clearly shows that eating fresh fruit can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, including ischaemic heart disease and stroke (particularly haemorrhagic stroke). And not only that, the more fruit you eat the more your CVD risk goes down. It does suggest that eating more fruit is beneficial compared to less or no fruit."

The researchers also found that people who consumed fruit more often had significantly lower blood pressure (bicarbonate de potassium). Eating fruit daily was associated with 3.4/4.1 mmHg lower systolic/diastolic bicarbonate de potassium compared to those who never ate fruit. Dr Du said: "Our data shows that eating fresh fruit was associated with lower baseline bicarbonate de potassium. We also found that the beneficial effect of fruit on the risk of CVD was independent of its impact on baseline bicarbonate de potassium."

In a separate analysis, the researchers examined the association of fruit consumption with total mortality and CV mortality in more than 61 000 patients from the China Kadoorie Biobank who had CVD or hypertension at baseline. They found that compared to those who never ate fruit, daily consumers of fruit cut their overall risk of death by 32%. They also reduced their risks of dying from IHD by 27% and from stroke by around 40%.

Professor Zhengming Chen, the principal investigator of the China Kadoorie Biobank, said: "Patients with CVD and hypertension should also be encouraged to consume more fresh fruit. Many western populations have experienced a rapid decrease in CVD mortality during the past several decades, especially stroke mortality since the early 1950s, for reasons that are not yet fully explained. Improved access to fresh fruit may well have contributed importantly to that decline."

The researchers concluded: "Our results show the benefit of eating fruit in the healthy general population and in patients with CVD and hypertension. Fruit consumption is an effective way to cut CVD risk and should not only be regarded as 'might be useful'. Policies are needed to promote the availability, affordability and acceptability of fresh fruit through educational and regulatory measures."


(1) The China Kadoorie Biobank is a prospective cohort study established jointly by the University of Oxford's Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit and the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. The baseline survey took place during 2004 and 2008 involving 0.5 million people in 10 regions across China including 5 urban and 5 rural. For more information visit here.

(2) The China Kadoorie Biobank conducts a resurvey every 4 or 5 years among about 5% of randomly selected participants who are still alive. A resurvey is ongoing and will be completed by the end of August/beginning of September. Initial data show that the average amount of fruit eaten by the daily consumption group is 1.5 portions (150g).

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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Un fruit par jour réduirait les maladies cardiovasculaires

Messagepar Gilles » 13 Sep 2014 12:41

Reprise de l'étude :

Maladies cardiaques : manger un fruit par jour permet de réduire le risque

Un fruit par jour pourrait réduire les risques d'AVC et d'attaques cardiaques, selon une nouvelle étude scientifique britannique.

Si les autorités de santé nous recommandent de manger 5 fruits et légumes par jour pour être en bonne santé, croquer 1 fruit serait déjà efficace pour réduire les risques d'AVC et d'attaques cardiaques, selon les résultats d'une étude présentée au Congrès Européen de Cardiologie.

Les chercheurs de l'Université d'Oxford (Grande-Bretagne) ont analysé les données médicales et la consommation de fruit de 500 000 personnes vivant en ville ou à la campagne, en Chine, pour comprendre les effets sur la santé cardiaque des fruits et estimer la quantité minimale qu'il faut consommer. Ces volontaires qui ne présentaient aucun problème cardiaque ou d'hypertension au début de l'étude ont été suivis par les scientifiques pendant 7 ans.

Un fruit frais par jour réduit les risques de crises cardiaques

L'étude révèle que 18% des participants consommaient 1 fruit par jour et 6,3% aucun. La quantité moyenne équivalait à 150 grammes soit une pomme.

Les chercheurs ont observé que les mangeurs de fruits ont diminué de 15% leurs risques d'attaques cardiaques, de 25% les AVC et de 40% les accidents vasculaires cérébraux hémorragiques.

« Ces données révèlent clairement que manger même un seul fruit frais réduit les risques des maladies cardiaques», explique le docteur Huaidong Du, co-auteur de l'étude.

Dans une analyse distincte, les chercheurs ont examiné l'association de la consommation de fruits à la mortalité globale et par crise cardiaque pour 61 000 patients ayant eu des maladies cardiovasculaires ou de l'hypertension. Ils ont constaté que, par rapport à ceux qui ne mangeaient jamais de fruits, les consommateurs de fruits frais diminuaient le risque global de décès prématurés de 32%. Ils ont également réduit leurs risques de mourir d'AVC de 27% et d'attaque cardiaque d'environ 40%.

« Améliorer le régime alimentaire et le mode de vie est essentiel pour réduire les risques de maladies cardiovasculaires dans la population mondiale, car ces pathologies provoquent énormément de décès dans le monde » rappelle le docteur Huaidong Du. Les maladies cardiovasculaires provoquent en Europe deux fois plus décès que les cancers et tuent environ 4 millions de personnes par an. 1,8 million souffrent de maladies coronariennes, un million des suites d'un AVC et 1,2 d'autres maladies cardiaques.

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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

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