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FST-7 DVD preview

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FST-7 DVD preview

Messagepar JD » 20 Aoû 2010 10:51

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Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 20 Aoû 2010 11:04

Hany Vs Curry

Brandon "The Prodigy" Curry made his pro debut a few weeks ago at Tim Garner's PBW Tampa Pro. For this contest, it was a well-established fact that Curry was working with contest prep guru, Hany Rambod. Through the grape vine, I heard that for some unknown reason the Curry/Rambod collaboration broke up 8 weeks prior to Tampa. So, when I ran into Rambod backstage in Dallas, I just had to get the scoop!

Hany's version goes a little something like this: 8 weeks prior to the contest, he asked Brandon to fly out to him for two days of gym training and evaluation. This is something that Hany says all of his athletes routinely do (including Jay Cutler and Phil Heath). Instead of agreeing, Brandon claimed it didn't make sense, financially, for him to put out that kind of money to go see him. Hany says this showed Brandon's lack of drive and motivation. Hany felt like this was a very reasonable request, and since Brandon was making decent money with both *** and Weider, he didn't understand Brandon's reluctance to spend the money to come see him. Later, when Hany's assistant had to request progress pictures multiple times, enough was enough and Hany made a phone call to Brandon. He basically told Curry that he didn't feel like it was working out and that he felt he was more worried about Brandon's career than Brandon. He expected Brandon to argue or ask for another chance, but instead Brandon simply said, "OK". According to Hany, this was all the verification he needed to know he had made the correct decision to terminate his coaching relationship with Curry.

Now, it wouldn't be fair to Brandon if I stopped there. After the Europa show was over, I approached Curry and his lovely wife, Brandy Leaver, to find out their side of the story. Not surprisingly, they had a VERY different story. In fact, Brandie says SHE was the one who crafted Brandon's contest diet at the request of Hany. When she sent him a copy of the diet, he approved it and NEVER changed it throughout the length of the prep period. She said it shocked both her and Brandon how little Hany was involved with Brandon's prep. When Hany called and asked Brandon to come up to see him at 5 weeks out (yes, they both claim it was 5 weeks; not 8) they were both skeptical about what Hany could do IN PERSON that he couldn't do over the internet or over the phone. Brandon actually said that Hany was planning on having him stay in a Casino hotel and that the trip would cost him well over a thousand dollars. He couldn't justify the expense and told Hany how he felt. Brandon revealed that by this point in time he no longer felt like he wanted Hany's help but he was afraid to offend his sponsors by dropping the diet guru. Hany terminating the arrangement, himself, was exactly what both Brandy and Brandon felt was the easiest solution to an uncomfortable situation.
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Messagepar JD » 20 Aoû 2010 14:16

Ils ont viré les threads en rapport avec cette histoire sur les boards américains, non? La copine de Curry avait laissé un message mais impossible de le retrouver...
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Inscription: 2 Oct 2008 18:49
Localisation: Brest/Rennes

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 20 Aoû 2010 14:37

pas celle
c'est l'histoire avec Priest à laquelle tu fais référence
il n'y a pas que du bon dans ces histoires de préparateurs
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Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Messagepar JD » 20 Aoû 2010 14:46

Nutrimuscle-Conseil a écrit:pas celle
c'est l'histoire avec Priest à laquelle tu fais référence
il n'y a pas que du bon dans ces histoires de préparateurs

Celle avec Priest est toujours sur rx (du moins, elle y était encore tout à l'heure) mais l'autre, il me semble que c'était sur le forum de md: la copine de Curry expliquait aux forumers que seules les parties concernées par l'histoire savaient vraiment ce qu'il s'était passé et qu'il fallait arrêter de raconter n'importe quoi. Mais les threads (intitulés Brandon and Hany split ou qqch de ce genre) ont disparu sur md ou même sur rx.
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Inscription: 2 Oct 2008 18:49
Localisation: Brest/Rennes

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 20 Aoû 2010 14:48

c'est là où je l'ai pris
sur MD, je comprends vu qu'il bosse avec eux ... yenta.html
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Messagepar JD » 20 Aoû 2010 14:57

Je comprends aussi mais, en même temps, c'est étrange que sur md ils laissent le thread relatif à l'utilisation des stéroïdes chez les pros, vu que ça balance pas mal sur le FST...
En parlant de préparateurs, t'as vu que Palumbo a dit qu'apparemment pour Hartford, Farah avait été préparé par Aceto?
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Inscription: 2 Oct 2008 18:49
Localisation: Brest/Rennes

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 20 Aoû 2010 15:53

non je n'ai pas
mais je comprends qu'il puisse demander un coup de main pour aider à s'évaluer surtout s'ils sont potes
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Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

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