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Gunter Schlierkamp comeback ?

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Gunter Schlierkamp comeback ?

Messagepar Gilles » 26 Juil 2016 05:14


Binais Begovic (Iron Man Magazine) : "Great catching up with IFBB Pro champ Gunter Schlierkamp, the only guy that ever beat big Ronnie Coleman while holding the Olympia title. He is now a successful businessman, married and has a 6 years old son. Of course I asked him if he is planning a comeback.. Oh man you should have seen that smile. Actually the smile was the only answer I got..."

"This little clip is from today's meeting with Gunter..."
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Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Gunter Schlierkamp comeback ?

Messagepar Gilles » 26 Juil 2016 05:23

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Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

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