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Guy Cisternino Interview

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Guy Cisternino Interview

Messagepar Gilles » 23 Juin 2017 05:25

"Guy Cisternino joins Dave Palumbo on RXMuscle's 1 on 1 interview talk show, Live With, to discuss the real story of what happened at the New York Pro that resulted in him not competing at the night show. Guy Cisternino also confirms his plans for the rest of the contest season."

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Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Guy Cisternino Interview

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 24 Juin 2017 05:08

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Re: Guy Cisternino Interview

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 24 Juin 2017 05:09

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Re: Guy Cisternino Interview

Messagepar Gilles » 24 Juin 2017 05:53

"So finally I am posting and showing all pictures showing what happened before NY pro. Well first off this past week I finally got a diagnosis it's called phototoxic reaction. Basically what happened was I took a pill, vitamin, supplement, or anti biotic because I also had been sick in march and April on meds. So what happens is I ingested whatever pill or pills and then due to being in a tanning bed which we all do during prep, caused a chemical reaction in my body from the chemical compound to pretty much burn my skin from the inside out. Which is why the pain I experienced was unbearable and had to pull out of the show. The doctor told me Wednesday this was the worst case she's ever seen and surprised I wasn't in the hospital longer. But I am beyond blessed it's not something worse and we got to the bottom of it after extensive testing. Thank you to all my friends, family and fans for being here and caring so much and kept inspecting me and giving me positive vibes while this went on. I appreciate you more than you know. For the shit talking people out there I've shut you all up once and you dam right I'm coming back to do it again! Like I said before you can knock me down 10 times but rest assure my ass will get up 11."







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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

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