"Serum Folate and B12 Levels in Association With Cognitive Impairment Among Seniors: Results From the VELESTINO Study in Greece and Meta-Analysis,"
Michelakos T J Aging Health, 2013 April 7; [Epub ahead of print].
In a study involving a meta-analysis (including an analysis of results of 12 studies involving folate and 9 involving vitamin B12), as well as results from a cross-sectional study involving 593 seniors (greater than 65 years of age), living in Velestino, Greece, low serum folate levels were found to be associated with cognitive impairment. Specifically, in the meta-analysis, low folate levels linked to cognitive impairment (OR=1.66), while vitamin B12 levels were non-significantly associated (OR=1.11). The authors conclude, "Low folate levels are associated with cognitive impairment of seniors; underlying pathophysiological mechanisms should be further explored."