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Importance du mix protéine/glucide pour la récup d'endurance

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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

Importance du mix protéine/glucide pour la récup d'endurance

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 2 Aoû 2011 17:53

Protein Nutrition Following Endurance Exercise Regulates The Metabolic-mitochondrial Transcriptome In Skeletal Muscle
Rowlands, David S.1; Thomson, Jasmine S.1; Timmons, Brian W.1; Raymond, Frederic2; Fuerholz, Andreas2; Mansourian, Robert2; Zawhlen, Marie-Camille2; Metairon, Sylviane2; Stellingwerff, Trent2; Kussman, Martin2; Tarnopolsky, Mark A. FACSM3
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: May 2011 - Volume 43 - Issue 5 - pp 136-137

Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) coactivator 1-alpha (PGC1α) regulates metabolic gene expression and mitochondrial biogenesis. Recently, supplementing the diet of exercising mice with branched-chain amino acids increased the expression of PGC1α and other mitochondrial biogenic regulators.
PURPOSE: To examine the impact of adding protein to high-carbohydrate feeding following intense endurance exercise on the metabolic-mitochondrial transcriptome in well-trained men.

METHODS: In a crossover, biopsies were obtained from 8 men at rest and 3H and 48H following 100 min of intense cycling. Isocaloric beverages containing 0.4/1.2/0.2 (PRO) or 0.0/1.6/0.2 (idiot) protein/carbohydrate/fat were ingested 0 and 1 h post exercise.

Gene expression was assessed using Illumina bead arrays, with global error assessment used to identify differentially expressed genes.
RESULTS: Bioinformatic analysis of the microarray revealed a temporally affected molecular programme governed by protein nutrition directing metabolism away from glucose and towards fatty-acid transport and oxidation. Genes for hexokinase, glycokinase, and PDK4 were up regulated in response to exercise, but hexokinase, glycokinase were down regulated with PRO at 48H, while PDK4 was up regulated. PPARγ was up regulated at 3H and 48H with exercise but relatively down/up regulated with PRO at 3H/48H. At 3H, PGC1α was up regulated by exercise, but not affected by PRO; but by 48H there was a moderate up regulation in PRO. This was complemented by increased expression of DNA-binding proteins active on the PGC1α promoter at 3H (ESRRγ) and 48H (CREB, MYOD1). Accordingly, the expression of several mitochondrial electron transport components were up, while DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase 3 (DNMT3B) was down with PRO at 48H. Genes involved in lipid transport, oxidation, and modification were differentially regulated with PRO at 48H, and included LPL, CPT2, CD36, ACSL1, SLC25A20, LPIN1, FABP5, SCD. Uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3) was down regulated at 48H with PRO.
CONCLUSION: High protein-carbohydrate nutrition following intense endurance exercise may support the metabolic and mitochondrial adaptive response to endurance exercise training.
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Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 2 Aoû 2011 20:30

autre étude, même type de résultats
Post-exercise Protein And Carbohydrate Ingestion Enhances Exercise-induced Increase In Plasma Volume And Albumin Content
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: May 2011 - Volume 43 - Issue 5 - p 491 Okazaki, Kazunobu1; Takeda, Ryosuke2; Suzuki, Akina2; Imai, Daiki2; Kawabata, Takashi1; Miyagawa, Toshiaki1

The exercise-induced plasma volume (PV) expansion is observed after a bout of high-intensity exercise which has been suggested to rely on a rapid increase in plasma albumin content (Albcont). We recently reported that the increase in Albcont and PV from the 1st to 23rd hour after a bout of high-intensity exercise was enhanced by a mixture of protein and carbohydrate (CHO) intake immediately after exercise compared with non-protein and low-calorie placebo intake. It has remained unclear, however, which is a key condition to enhance the increase in Albcont and PV; the timing of protein and CHO intake after exercise or the total amount of daily protein and energy intake.
PURPOSE: To test the hypothesis that the increase in Albcont and PV after a bout of high-intensity exercise is enhanced when a mixture of protein and CHO was taken immediately after exercise compared with 2 hours later.
METHODS: Seven young men (∼23 yrs) completed two trials those of which differ in the timing of intake (immediately after exercise, 0H; and 2 hours later, 2H) of a mixture of protein and CHO (3.2 kcal and 0.18 g protein per kg body weight) after exercise under a controlled food intake to the age-matched RDA. The subjects performed a bout of 72-min intense and intermittent exercise (8 sets of 4 min at 80% VO2max intermittent by 5 min at 20% VO2max) by using an upright cycling ergometer. PV, plasma albumin concentration ([Alb]p), and Albcont (PV × [Alb]p) were determined before exercise, at the end of exercise, every hour from the 1st to the 5th hour and at the 23rd hour after exercise during subjects were resting in a seating position.
RESULTS: In 0H trial, Albcont and PV increased minimally by 1.2% and -1.2% at the 5th hour and by 1.6% and 2.1% at the 23rd hour, respectively, from before exercise on average for 7 subjects. On the other hand, in 2H trial, Albcont and PV increased prominently by 3.0% and 1.1% at the 5th hour and by 4.6% and 5.0% at the 23rd hour, respectively. The increase in Albcont and PV at the 5th and 23rd hour was significantly higher in 2H trial than in 0H trial.
CONCLUSIONS: The mixture of protein and CHO intake immediately after exercise enhanced the increase in Albcont and PV after a bout of high-intensity exercise compared with 2 hours later. Thus, the timing of protein and CHO intake after exercise is a key condition to enhance the increase in Albcont and PV.
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Messages: 55273
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

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