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Interview de Juan Morel

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Interview de Juan Morel

Messagepar Gilles » 11 Déc 2015 22:25

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Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Interview de Juan Morel

Messagepar Gilles » 12 Déc 2015 06:09

Juan Morel 125 kg à 12 semaines de l'Arnold Classic...

"12 weeks out Arnold Classic weighing 276 still on phase one for a few more weeks so will be growing a bit more next few weeks while getting harder and harder I love prep I know it's rare to hear bodybuilders say that but I truly love what I do very blessed!!"
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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Interview de Juan Morel

Messagepar Gilles » 30 Mar 2016 19:14

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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

Re: Interview de Juan Morel

Messagepar Gilles » 31 Mai 2016 05:26

Juan Morel prend une année sabbatique...

"Okay everyone so here it is; I'm officially offseason. I'm taking a whole year off, yes you heard that right, a whole year! I am not going to try and qualify for the Olympia, I need a break- my body is tired and I'm tired... I have been consistently competing since 2014 without a real offseason; I competed in 16 shows from 2014 till now!! And we all know an offseason is a must to make improvements and changes. It's time for me to make a dramatic change to my physique. Since I have been a pro I've never had a full year off season. This will be my first & I'm going to get huge- not gonna try and grow while maintaining abs cause let's be serious you really can't grow and try to stay lean. I'm going to get huge that's how I always made my best improvements!! I'm going to eat like a beast everyday, I will eat big to get big and gonna train like a bigger beast- 2017 the Diesel is gonna come back bigger and better!!"

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Messages: 29292
Inscription: 21 Déc 2011 11:47

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