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L'iode contre le virus?

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L'iode contre le virus?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 22 Nov 2020 14:13

Iodine, a preventive and curative agent in the COVID-19 pandemic?
R.H.Verheesen Medical Hypotheses Volume 144, November 2020, 109860

Dear Editor,

It has been known for a long time that iodine has unique germicide properties [1]. During the Asian flu in 1957 it was reported that the use of Mandl’s paint seemed to prevent the development of influenza. In the untreated group 14% developed influenza, this against 2.8% in the treated group. Furthermore, in already developed influenza, starting iodine after three days of illness reduced the number of cases significantly compared to the control group, the effect being clear after only two days of treatment [2].

Pathophysiological research shows that iodine could support the innate immune system in fighting both bacterial and viral infections [3], [4], [5]. In 2013 it was shown in newborn lambs inoculated with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) that iodine treatment resulted in less lung lesions and less pulmonary expression of RSV antigen. Also, in 3-week-old lambs it was demonstrated that iodine supplementation reduced the severity of RSV-infection [3]. Finally, epidemiological data show that in the current COVID-19 pandemic the Japanese, known for their high iodine intake, have a very low number of COVID-19 deaths compared to other countries, despite the fact that Japan has the eldest population of the world and the national lockdown has thus far been one of mild measures [6], [7].

Taken into account the above mentioned pathophysiological, clinical and epidemiological data, we hypothesize that iodine is a crucial element in the optimal functioning of the innate immune system and could be the magic bullet for fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, in both a curative and preventive way. Prevention might be reached easily because of very limited side effects and fast uptake by oral supplementation. Besides it should be borne in mind that iodine deficiency is estimated to affect one third of the world population at the moment.

Given the high death rates, the high costs of healthcare and the enormous economic consequences of the current pandemic situation, it is important to conduct studies as soon as possible, especially because this possible new treatment is simple, inexpensive and safe.
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Re: L'iode contre le virus?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Diététique » 23 Nov 2020 13:36

Traduction de l'étude :wink:

L'iode, agent préventif et curatif de la pandémie COVID-19?
Hypothèses médicales R.H.Verheesen Volume 144, novembre 2020, 109860

Monsieur le rédacteur,

On sait depuis longtemps que l'iode possède des propriétés germicides uniques [1]. Au cours de la grippe asiatique en 1957, il a été signalé que l’utilisation de la peinture de Mandl semblait empêcher le développement de la grippe. Dans le groupe non traité, 14% ont développé une grippe, contre 2,8% dans le groupe traité. De plus, dans la grippe déjà développée, l'initiation à l'iode après trois jours de maladie a réduit significativement le nombre de cas par rapport au groupe témoin, l'effet étant clair après seulement deux jours de traitement [2].

La recherche physiopathologique montre que l'iode pourrait soutenir le système immunitaire inné dans la lutte contre les infections bactériennes et virales [3], [4], [5]. En 2013, il a été démontré chez des agneaux nouveau-nés inoculés avec le virus respiratoire syncytial (RSV) que le traitement à l'iode entraînait moins de lésions pulmonaires et moins d'expression pulmonaire de l'antigène du RSV. De plus, chez les agneaux de 3 semaines, il a été démontré que la supplémentation en iode réduisait la gravité de l'infection par le RSV [3]. Enfin, les données épidémiologiques montrent que dans la pandémie actuelle de COVID-19, les Japonais, connus pour leur apport élevé en iode, ont un très faible nombre de décès par COVID-19 par rapport aux autres pays, malgré le fait que le Japon a la population la plus âgée du monde. et le verrouillage national a jusqu'à présent été l'une des mesures douces [6], [7].

Compte tenu des données physiopathologiques, cliniques et épidémiologiques mentionnées ci-dessus, nous émettons l'hypothèse que l'iode est un élément crucial dans le fonctionnement optimal du système immunitaire inné et pourrait être la solution miracle pour lutter contre la pandémie COVID-19, à la fois curative et préventive. façon. La prévention peut être facilement atteinte en raison d'effets secondaires très limités et d'une absorption rapide par une supplémentation orale. En outre, il ne faut pas oublier que la carence en iode affecte actuellement un tiers de la population mondiale.

Compte tenu des taux de mortalité élevés, des coûts élevés des soins de santé et des énormes conséquences économiques de la situation pandémique actuelle, il est important de mener des études le plus tôt possible, d'autant plus que ce nouveau traitement éventuel est simple, peu coûteux et sûr.
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Inscription: 4 Mar 2013 09:39
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Re: L'iode contre le virus?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 10 Avr 2022 11:58

Iodide supplementation of the anti-viral duox-lactoperoxidase activity may prevent some SARS-CoV-2 infections
Michael L. Smith, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition volume 76, pages629–630 (2022)

To the Editor:
SARS-CoV-2, commonly termed COVID-19, is an airborne viral agent entering humans via the nose and mouth, lodging in the lungs. Vaccines are now available to the few but will require years before billions can be immunized. Many will remain susceptible in countries which cannot afford expensive vaccines. Enforced economic shutdowns and strict social distancing cannot be sustained forever.

We suggest a cheap supplement, iodide, which is available to many and may possibly dampen the rate of COVID-19 infection and transmission. The protective mammalian enzyme lactoperoxidase (LPO) is extruded into human lungs and saliva [1]. It catalyzes the conversion of thiocyanate (SCN−) by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), into the product hypothiocyanite (OSCN−) in a well-known reaction [2]. LPO also catalyzes the oxidation of iodide with H2O2 into hypoiodite (IO−) and hypoiodous acid (HOI). Most mammals also biosynthesize the highly reactive, detrimental agent, H2O2 as required by LPO, by an enzyme ensemble, duox [3]. Both the OSCN− and IO− products are potent, non-specific antimicrobial agents and are lethal to the influenza virus [4]. The three-dimensional structures of the complexes of LPO with the I− has shown this substrate has many sites including the active substrate binding site, which is even more evidence of the importance of this enzyme for production of hypoiodite [5]. The duox-LPO system is recognized as the first line of defence against airborne viral infections.

The COVID-19 infection rate is low in Japan, which despite being densely populated islands have not enforced a strict lock down. The typical Japanese diet is rich in seafood including kelp and seaweed, which are high in iodine. We note this inverse correlation between iodine intake and COVID-19 infections and think this is more than a correlation but a causal relationship. The average Japanese adult consumes more than twice the iodine than the US RDA (150 μg) but still under the recommended upper daily limit of 1100 μg. We report here a mechanism which explains this correlation and is present in human lungs as the protective duox-LPO system. Increasing I− in mammalian airways has been shown to enhance the duox-LPO system performance and viral agent destruction [6]. Both IO− and HOI are non-specific, anti-viral agents so the destructive activity will be independent of the SARS-CoV 2 type (mutant). COVID-19 has decimated the elderly and institutionalized. These people typically have a diet deficient in iodine [7]. Unfortunately, nothing is known about the age-dependence of LPO concentration in human lungs. Smokers are also hit hard by the corona virus. We have previously shown that carbon monoxide, a major gaseous constituent of cigarette smoke, binds to and inactivates LPO [8] which correlates with the higher mortality of smokers. It is also estimated that two billion people worldwide suffer serious iodine insufficiency.

The mechanism by which LPO and iodide ion destroys many types of viral invaders is understood in fine detail. Here we propose a cheap method for containing COVID-19. First we hope that nutritionists and epidemiologists will study this correlation closely, especially about areas close to the seashore. Second, we encourage nutritional and health professionals to consider recommending increasing iodine intake, by either liberal use of iodized salts or consumption of more seafood, including kelp and seaweed. Such preventative measures can be quickly instituted by all and especially low income nations and the positive effects should be observed immediately. In addition, the long-term health effects of increased iodide intake should not be serious since the median longevity of the Japanese is the highest of any industrial nation. We do not think this measure will eliminate the COVID-19 pandemic but even a small decrease in the transmission rate can have immediate and positive results for everyone.
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Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Re: L'iode contre le virus?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 10 Avr 2022 12:17

Susceptibility of influenza viruses to hypothiocyanite and hypoiodite produced by lactoperoxidase in a cell-free system
Urmi Patel PLoS One. 2018 Jul 25;13(7):e0199167.

Lactoperoxidase (LPO) is an enzyme found in several exocrine secretions including the airway surface liquid producing antimicrobial substances from mainly halide and pseudohalide substrates. Although the innate immune function of LPO has been documented against several microbes, a detailed characterization of its mechanism of action against influenza viruses is still missing.

Our aim was to study the antiviral effect and substrate specificity of LPO to inactivate influenza viruses using a cell-free experimental system. Inactivation of different influenza virus strains was measured in vitro system containing LPO, its substrates, thiocyanate (SCN-) or iodide (I-), and the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-producing system, glucose and glucose oxidase (GO). Physiologically relevant concentrations of the components of the LPO/H2O2/(SCN-/I-) antimicrobial system were exposed to twelve different strains of influenza A and B viruses in vitro and viral inactivation was assessed by determining plaque-forming units of non-inactivated viruses using Madin-Darby canine kidney cells (MDCK) cells. Our data show that LPO is capable of inactivating all influenza virus strains tested: H1N1, H1N2 and H3N2 influenza A viruses (IAV) and influenza B viruses (IBV) of both, Yamagata and Victoria lineages. The extent of viral inactivation, however, varied among the strains and was in part dependent on the LPO substrate. Inactivation of H1N1 and H1N2 viruses by LPO showed no substrate preference, whereas H3N2 influenza strains were inactivated significantly more efficiently when iodide, not thiocyanate, was the LPO substrate. Although LPO-mediated inactivation of the influenza B strains tested was strain-dependent, it showed slight preference towards thiocyanate as the substrate.

The results presented here show that the LPO/H2O2/(SCN-/I-) cell-free, in vitro experimental system is a functional tool to study the specificity, efficiency and the molecular mechanism of action of influenza inactivation by LPO. These studies tested the hypothesis that influenza strains are all susceptible to the LPO-based antiviral system but exhibit differences in their substrate specificities. We propose that a LPO-based antiviral system is an important contributor to anti-influenza virus defense of the airways.
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Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Re: L'iode contre le virus?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Diététique » 10 Avr 2022 16:36

Traduction de l'étude :wink:

Sensibilité des virus de la grippe à l'hypothiocyanite et à l'hypoiodite produits par la lactoperoxydase dans un système acellulaire
Urmi Patel PLoS One. 2018 25 juillet;13(7):e0199167.

La lactoperoxydase (LPO) est une enzyme présente dans plusieurs sécrétions exocrines, y compris le liquide de surface des voies respiratoires, produisant des substances antimicrobiennes principalement à partir de substrats halogénures et pseudohalogénures. Bien que la fonction immunitaire innée de la LPO ait été documentée contre plusieurs microbes, une caractérisation détaillée de son mécanisme d'action contre les virus de la grippe fait toujours défaut.

Notre objectif était d'étudier l'effet antiviral et la spécificité de substrat de la LPO pour inactiver les virus de la grippe à l'aide d'un système expérimental sans cellules. L'inactivation de différentes souches de virus de la grippe a été mesurée dans un système in vitro contenant de la LPO, ses substrats, du thiocyanate (SCN-) ou de l'iodure (I-), et le système producteur de peroxyde d'hydrogène (H2O2), du glucose et de la glucose oxydase (GO). Des concentrations physiologiquement pertinentes des composants du système antimicrobien LPO/H2O2/(SCN-/I-) ont été exposées à douze souches différentes de virus de la grippe A et B in vitro et l'inactivation virale a été évaluée en déterminant les unités formant des plages de virus non inactivés. virus en utilisant des cellules de cellules rénales canines Madin-Darby (MDCK). Nos données montrent que la LPO est capable d'inactiver toutes les souches de virus de la grippe testées : les virus de la grippe A (IAV) H1N1, H1N2 et H3N2 et les virus de la grippe B (IBV) des lignées Yamagata et Victoria. L'étendue de l'inactivation virale, cependant, variait selon les souches et dépendait en partie du substrat LPO. L'inactivation des virus H1N1 et H1N2 par la LPO n'a montré aucune préférence de substrat, alors que les souches de grippe H3N2 ont été inactivées de manière significativement plus efficace lorsque l'iodure, et non le thiocyanate, était le substrat de la LPO. Bien que l'inactivation médiée par la LPO des souches de grippe B testées soit dépendante de la souche, elle a montré une légère préférence pour le thiocyanate comme substrat.

Les résultats présentés ici montrent que le système expérimental in vitro acellulaire LPO/H2O2/(SCN-/I-) est un outil fonctionnel pour étudier la spécificité, l'efficacité et le mécanisme d'action moléculaire de l'inactivation de la grippe par la LPO. Ces études ont testé l'hypothèse selon laquelle les souches grippales sont toutes sensibles au système antiviral à base de LPO mais présentent des différences dans leurs spécificités de substrat. Nous proposons qu'un système antiviral à base de LPO est un contributeur important à la défense des voies respiratoires contre le virus de la grippe.
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Messages: 13728
Inscription: 4 Mar 2013 09:39
Localisation: Athus

Re: L'iode contre le virus?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 13 Aoû 2022 12:48

Potential Effects of Iodine Supplementation on Inflammatory Processes and Toxin Removal Following COVID-19 Vaccination
Alberto Boretti Biological Trace Element Research volume 200, pages3941–3944 (2022)

To the Editor,

Iodine has been reported as a possible agent against COVID-19 infection, as well as a possible agent to limit vaccine adverse events. In this letter, we discuss the scientific support for these claims.

Iodine is an essential mineral supplied by the diet or supplements. It is used by the thyroid gland to make thyroid hormones. Iodine is a component of thyroid hormones and an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative, and differentiation agent. Iodine contributes to preserving the integrity of organs able to take up iodine, through effects mediated by many different mechanisms or pathways, with direct or indirect actions. It protects the thyroid. It strongly increases the mRNA decay rate.

Thyroid hormones control many functions in the body, which include growth and development, repairing damaged cells, and maintaining healthy metabolism [1] [2]. Iodine can also be used to detoxify toxic compounds and strongly increases the mRNA decay rate [3] [4]. Thus, it may prevent some of the damages caused by COVID-19 mRNA vaccines such as Pfizer or Moderna, both 2 shots, and non-replicating COVID-19 viral vectors vaccines such as Astra-Zeneca, 2 shots, or J&J’s Janssen, 1 shot. The letter to the editor aims to discuss the role of iodine supplementation during the COVID-19 pandemic, with special emphasis on the potential effect on the adverse events from the administration of COVID-19 vaccines.

Mechanistically, iodine from food or supplements is transformed into the negatively charged iodide ion [5]. The human thyroid gland accepts correct amounts required for thyroid hormone preparation the moment iodine enters blood circulation. The excess amount is excreted through urine [6]. The average urinary iodine concentrations are 100–199 µg/L in children and adults, and 150–249 µg/L in pregnant women [7] [8]. Lower values than 100 µg/L indicate suboptimal iodine intake. Dietary sources of iodine are seaweed, seafood, dairy products, milk, beans, and eggs [9]. It is also present in breast milk as potassium iodide or sodium iodide, infant formula, and some multivitamins [10] [11] [12]. Selenium, carnitine, myo-inositol, flavonoids, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, and resveratrol each affect thyroid function [12]. But, iodine remains the most crucial essential element for thyroid hormones, thyroxine (T4), and triiodothyronine (T3). These hormones regulate protein synthesis, enzymatic activity, and metabolic activity.

Iodine deficiency causes an enlargement of the thyroid, known as endemic goiter [13]. Thyroid enlargement may transform to nodular changes. Molecular pathways in the nodular process proceed with DNA mutagenesis as evidenced by somatic mutations in iodine-deprived euthyroid goiters [14]. Molecular mechanisms to explain mutagenesis and the formation of nodules during iodine deficiency have not been fully explained.

Molecular iodine is particularly effective against viruses. More than 80 years ago, it was shown that the vaccinia virus can be killed with a 3% tincture of iodine and indeed it was the most efficient antiseptic identified to destroy the poliovirus when used topically. These studies and observations show the power of molecular iodine as an antiviral agent [15].

Iodine has shown virucidal activities against SARS-CoV-2. A few publications are available on the quick deactivating action of povidone-iodine (PVP-1) on COVID-19. Povidone-iodine has been observed to have rapid and efficient antiviral activity. This activity is believed to be sufficient as a preventive measure against COVID-19. It may deactivate the virus when it is used for hand-skin-oral sanitizing and oral-nasal cleaning [16] [17].

Oral and nasal sprays with antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2 are being studied, with povidone-iodine being one of the more promising substances. Intranasal PVP-I spray is active against SARS-CoV-2, as well as SARS-CoV and the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) ( ... 0-sec.aspx). Povidone-iodine (PVP-I) 0.5% mouth rinse/gargle for 30 s can reduce SARS-CoV-2 virus infectivity to below detectable levels [18]. PVP-I can interrupt SARS-CoV-2 attachment to oral and nasopharyngeal tissues and lower the number of viral particles in the saliva and respiratory droplets [18].

Povidone-iodine mouthwash, gargle, and nasal spray have been shown to reduce nasopharyngeal viral load in patients with COVID-19 in other studies [19] [20].

Substantial reductions in the viral titer by iodine-V in essential iodine drops (EID) have been reported [21]. Iodine-V in EID is effective at inactivating the virus in vitro and therefore could be applied intra-nasally to reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission from COVID-19-infected individuals. Iodine-V is likely to work better in vivo when compared with PVP-I against SARS-CoV-2 [21].

Use of povidone-iodine solution as SARS-CoV-2 prophylaxis for procedures of the upper aero-digestive tract has been suggested [22], as the nasopharynx and nasal and oral cavities act as a reservoir for SARS-CoV-2 shedding, and the application of viricidal agents to these surfaces reduce virus burden [22].

The virucidal effect of PVP-I on COVID-19 replication in the nasopharynx has been reported in other studies such as [23] [24].

PVP-I studies do not support any supplementation with dietary iodine to help against infection and disease, which is presently an unstudied area of research.

Thyroid nodules (TNs) are distinct lesions present in the thyroid itself, separate from the surrounding parenchyma [25]. TNs are 4 times more common in women than men. Their frequency increases with age and low iodine intake. Most TNs are benign, but about 5% are cancerous [26].

A healthy thyroid depends on the optimal intake of dietary iodine which is necessary for the synthesis and metabolism of hormones produced by the thyroid. Sufficient thyroid hormone accumulation requires the action of hydrogen peroxide. Peroxide serves as the starting compound to produce reactive oxygen species (ROS). Production of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is certainly hampered by the presence of iodide in vivo and in vitro [27] [28]. H2O2 is a unique general toxin, stable in abiotic environments at ambient temperature and neutral pH, but able to quickly eradicate cells by manufacturing highly reactive hydroxyl radicals. Thyrocytes have an excellent ability to control oxidative stress. A high concentration of antioxidant enzyme, e.g., esp superoxide dismutase (SOD)-3, can protect the thyroid from the toxic effect of metabolites that originate from hydrogen peroxide. Significant iodine deficiency can impair thyroid hormone production and results in ROS-induced DNA damage. Iodine promotes thyroid health, reduces the risk for some goiters, manages the overactive thyroid gland, may improve cognitive function, and protects the thyroid gland from radiation injuries. It may also help treat fibrocystic breast disease [29]. Dietary iodine controls its absorption through the regulation of the sodium/iodide (NIS) symporter [30] [4] which protects the functions of the thyroid gland [31].

The link between vaccines and their impact on thyroid disorders is poorly investigated and limited to very few studies [32,33,34,35].

Vaccines may trigger local and systemic inflammatory responses (examples, myocarditis and pericarditis after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination). Vaccines may also have toxic effects caused by the presence of synthetic nucleosides and delivery components [36]. Specifically, some COVID-19 mRNA vaccines [37] [38] use lipid or polymer-based nanoparticles to protect and stabilize the mRNA and improve uptake. The toxicity of mRNA, non-replicating viral vectors, and other vaccines are only marginally assessed. In Australia [39], there have been 22,031 communications of adverse events from the administration of 3,613,053 shots of Pfizer and Astra-Zeneca vaccines (0.61%). In between the adverse events, there have been 210 fatalities following vaccinations (0.01%). These are non-negligible numbers and much larger than those of other vaccines such as the flu vaccine. Smaller numbers, based on a much larger database, but still non-negligible, are provided by the British Government ( ... -reporting).

In addition, the efficacy of vaccines decreases with time and against variants.

The data on vaccinations and infections in Israel from December 2020 to July 2021, one of the countries with wider and quicker vaccinations with an mRNA vaccine, show that the vaccine’s protection against infection and disease dropped from above 90% in the early months to about 40% with the delta variant a partial explanation [40] [41] ( ... n-data.pdf) [42]. While vaccines are still effective in reducing hospitalizations, undoubtedly there is a reduced efficacy. This efficacy is greater with inactivated-virus vaccines (such as Seychelles) than DNA and mRNA vaccines [40]. Deployment of boosters [40] is a clear acknowledgment that the efficacy of vaccines is much less than 100%, variable between vaccines, and decreases with time and variants. Therefore, there is a need for more attention toward different therapies.

Iodine binds well to toxins. Iodine also binds to metals such as aluminum and mercury. Iodine also helps thyroid functions, thus further contributing to detoxification. Iodine may be considered as one substance necessary to mitigate the adverse events from COVID-19 vaccines that could help also against COVID-19 infection. While the detoxification activity may in principle also limit the efficacy of vaccines, it is not expected that dietary supplementation to sufficiency could be an issue. The use of iodine supplements against viral effects has not been studied.

It is concluded that iodine-based products for mouthwash, gargle, and nasal spray may be useful to reduce nasopharyngeal viral load in patients with COVID-19.

Regarding iodine oral supplementation, there is no evidence supporting virucidal activity against COVID-19 infection, reduction of vaccine adverse events because of iodine supplementation, or reduction of the efficacy of vaccines because of iodine supplementation.

In lack of any contraindication, it is suggested to monitor the iodine level, by the simple and fast urine test, the more accurate blood test, or even the iodine patch test, and in case of deficit, adopt iodine supplementation.

Similarly to be considered is the use of iodine-based products for mouthwash, gargle, and nasal spray if and as directed by a physician.
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Messages: 55484
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Re: L'iode contre le virus?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 13 Aoû 2022 12:55

Iodine: the Forgotten Weapon Against Influenza Viruses
David Derry Thyroid Science, 2009

Abstract. After the 1918 Influenza Pandemic which killed an estimated 30 million people, governments
financed research on the Pandemic’s causes. Over 25 years, influenza viruses were isolated and methods
for killing them with various agents discovered. Iodine was the most effective agent for killing viruses,
especially influenza viruses.
Aerosol iodine was found to kill viruses in sprayed mists, and solutions of
iodine were equally effective. In 1945, Burnet and Stone found that putting iodine on mice snouts prevented
the mice from being infected with live influenza virus in mists.

They suggested that impregnating
masks with iodine would help stop viral spread. They also recommended that medical personnel have
iodine-aerosol-treated rooms for examination and treatment of highly infected patients. Current methods
of dealing with influenza infection are isolation, hand washing, antiviral drugs, and vaccinations. All of
these methods can be improved by incorporating iodine into them. When impregnated with iodine, masks
become much more effective, and hand washing is more effect when done with mild iodine solutions.

Isolation techniques coupled with aerosol iodine would make them safer for patients, medical personnel,
and all persons working with the public. Public health authorities could organize the distribution of iodine
and at the same time educate the public in the effective use of iodine. Oral iodine might also boost body
defense mechanisms in the upper oral and respiratory mucus.

Conclusion: Iodine incorporated into masks,
solutions, aerosols, and oral preparations could help to kill influenza viruses and fight off an H1N1 Pandemic.
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Messages: 55484
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Re: L'iode contre le virus?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 13 Aoû 2022 12:57

Efficacy of “Essential Iodine Drops” against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
Zoltán Köntös plosone July 9, 2021

Aerosolization of respiratory droplets is considered the main route of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Therefore, reducing the viral load of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) shed via respiratory droplets is potentially an ideal strategy to prevent the spread of the pandemic. The in vitro virucidal activity of intranasal Povidone-Iodine (PVP-I) has been demonstrated recently to reduce SARS-CoV-2 viral titres. This study evaluated the virucidal activity of the aqueous solution of Iodine-V (a clathrate complex formed by elemental iodine and fulvic acid) as in Essential Iodine Drops (EID) with 200 μg elemental iodine/ml content against SARS-CoV-2 to ascertain whether it is a better alternative to PVP-I.

SARS-CoV-2 (USAWA1/2020 strain) virus stock was prepared by infecting Vero 76 cells (ATCC CRL-1587) until cytopathic effect (CPE). The virucidal activity of EID against SARS-CoV-2 was tested in three dilutions (1:1; 2:1 and 3:1) in triplicates by incubating at room temperature (22 ± 2°C) for either 60 or 90 seconds. The surviving viruses from each sample were quantified by a standard end-point dilution assay.

EID (200 μg iodine/ml) after exposure for 60 and 90 seconds was compared to controls. In both cases, the viral titre was reduced by 99% (LRV 2.0). The 1:1 dilution of EID with virus reduced SARS-CoV-2 virus from 31,623 cell culture infectious dose 50% (CCID50) to 316 CCID50 within 90 seconds.

Substantial reductions in LRV by Iodine-V in EID confirmed the activity of EID against SARS-CoV-2 in vitro, demonstrating that Iodine-V in EID is effective at inactivating the virus in vitro and therefore suggesting its potential application intranasally to reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission from known or suspected COVID-19 patients.
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Messages: 55484
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Re: L'iode contre le virus?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Diététique » 14 Aoû 2022 08:22

Traduction de l'étude :wink:

Efficacité des «gouttes d'iode essentielles» contre le syndrome respiratoire aigu sévère-coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
Zoltán Köntös plosone 9 juillet 2021

L'aérosolisation des gouttelettes respiratoires est considérée comme la principale voie de la maladie à coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). Par conséquent, la réduction de la charge virale du syndrome respiratoire aigu sévère-coronavirus 2 (SRAS-CoV-2) excrétée par les gouttelettes respiratoires est potentiellement une stratégie idéale pour prévenir la propagation de la pandémie. Il a été démontré récemment que l'activité virucide in vitro de la povidone-iode intranasale (PVP-I) réduit les titres viraux du SRAS-CoV-2. Cette étude a évalué l'activité virucide de la solution aqueuse d'iode-V (un complexe de clathrate formé d'iode élémentaire et d'acide fulvique) comme dans Essential Iodine Drops (EID) avec une teneur de 200 μg d'iode élémentaire/ml contre le SRAS-CoV-2 pour déterminer s'il s'agit d'une meilleure alternative au PVP-I.

Le stock de virus SARS-CoV-2 (souche USAWA1/2020) a été préparé en infectant des cellules Vero 76 (ATCC CRL-1587) jusqu'à effet cytopathique (CPE). L'activité virucide de l'EID contre le SARS-CoV-2 a été testée en trois dilutions (1:1 ; 2:1 et 3:1) en triple par incubation à température ambiante (22 ± 2 °C) pendant 60 ou 90 secondes. Les virus survivants de chaque échantillon ont été quantifiés par un test standard de dilution au point final.

L'EID (200 μg d'iode/ml) après une exposition de 60 et 90 secondes a été comparée aux témoins. Dans les deux cas, le titre viral a été réduit de 99 % (LRV 2,0). La dilution 1:1 de l'EID avec le virus a réduit le virus SARS-CoV-2 de 31 623 doses infectieuses de culture cellulaire 50 % (CCID50) à 316 CCID50 en 90 secondes.

Des réductions substantielles du LRV par l'iode-V dans l'EID ont confirmé l'activité de l'EID contre le SRAS-CoV-2 in vitro, démontrant que l'iode-V dans l'EID est efficace pour inactiver le virus in vitro et suggérant donc son application potentielle par voie intranasale pour réduire le SRAS- Transmission du CoV-2 par des patients COVID-19 connus ou suspectés.
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Inscription: 4 Mar 2013 09:39
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