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Iron Debate: Phil Heath, Kai Greene & new IFBB Pros

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Iron Debate: Phil Heath, Kai Greene & new IFBB Pros

Messagepar Gilles » 11 Aoû 2016 21:53


Is Phil Heath nervous about this year's title defense given the improvements of Shawn Rhoden, the close call to Dexter Jackson last year, the enormous IN SHAPE Big Ramy, and the unknown Kevin Levrone factor? Or is he as confidant as ever?

After winning 3 Arnold Classic titles, Kai Greene has opted out of the Mr Olympia again this year. Do u think he's sitting home missing the fact that he won't be on that stage or is he secretly happy he doesn't need to navigate the emotional stresses of doing another Olympia ?

Of the new crop of rising IFBB Pros, which ones show the most promise? Consider Dallas McCarver, Nathan DeAsha, Justin Compton, Akim Williams, USA Champ Rasheed Oldacre, Cody Montgomery..."

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