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Jason Poston lance le Doughnut Squat Challenge...

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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

Jason Poston lance le Doughnut Squat Challenge...

Messagepar Gilles » 4 Jan 2017 06:46

... et lance un défi à Jonathan Irizarry et Thor Bjornsson !

"2017 DOUGHNUT SQUAT CHALLENGE. I CHALLENGE Anthony Perez, Jonathan Irizarry, Thor Bjornsson.
Weight requirement males- 315lbs. Squat. ladies- 200lbs. Squat.
1- for every bite you have to do 1 squat. If the doughnut falls out of your mouth you're disqualified. If the feeder drops the doughnut you still have to eat the rest.
2- eat the doughnuts in as little bites as possible. The doughnut MUST be the size of a Kristy Kreme or bigger. Don't be a weenie and buy small doughnuts! I used @momosdonuts which are HUGE!
3- must do 5 sets eating 5 doughnuts total.
4- squatter must swallow all doughnut before racking the weight. If you rack with food in your mouth you are DQ'd.
5- first bite starts after the first squat rep.
6- if you puke your DQ'd.
7- Hashtag #donutsquatchallenge in your video.
8- tag 3 friends to challenge after you have completed or failed the challenge.
9- If you turn down the challenge you have to create a vid giving a homeless person 12 doughnuts and milk.
10- Speed up or edit the video as needed to show most of Your doughnuts on Instagram. YouTube is fine too. Try to show the first and last doughnut and your reaction.
I will be giving away prizes to the top 10 best and fastest eaten doughnut squat videos."


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