par orque » 27 Avr 2015 17:33
"Jeff King was the 1983 AAU Mr America and 1983 NABBA Amateur Mr Universe winner. At the time he was one of the best amateur bodybuilders in the world. If he was a pro star in the current era he would no doubt be compared with a Branch Warren when in his peak condition. I would say that Jeff's genetic structure was more like that of Branch Warren than any other pro bodybuilder that I have seen in the last 25 years.
The Jeff King leg development was unbelievable and way ahead of its time. Jeff was a great authority on bodybuilding and when he came to Adelaide, South Australia on his national posing and seminar tour, he packed in a huge crowd as he did at every appearance. This was just after competing in the 1984 NABBA International World Bodybuilding Championships where he won the Heavyweight Class and placed 2nd overall. You will hear how he surprised his seminar audience with some very interesting and controversial points of view.
His seminar was one of the most outstanding and informative ever given in Australia. He talked about diet and training and held nothing back from the appreciative audience of around 500 fans. Jeff was in great condition and his size and muscularity were displayed during his awesome end of seminar posing routine.
We have also added in some extra footage of Jeff's in-depth guest posing in other parts of Australia. Please don't forget that this was taped around 20 years ago and the quality is consistent with the technology available at the times. It was taped under less than perfect conditions, and the sound (quite frankly) could be better.
However you can hear what Jeff has to say and it's still very good - an historically unique DVD and worthy of a place in anyone's collection.
As Jeff's whole career was almost entirely with the AAU and NABBA, he never received the publicity he deserved in the USA magazines. This DVD and photo display below hopefully redresses some of this situation. He was one of the all time greats."