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Kai Green s'isole 7 semaines à Las Vegas pour préparer Mr O

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Kai Green s'isole 7 semaines à Las Vegas pour préparer Mr O

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 11 Aoû 2009 03:43

Just spoke to Oscar before boarding a plane with Kai to Las Vegas for his last 7 weeks of Olympia Prep. For the next 7 weeks, Kai and Oscar will be in isolation and seclusion and totally focused on winning the Olympia. Oscar is determined to bring Kai to the Olympia in his best condition ever!!! Today Kai weighs 303lbs. At the Olympia he will be bigger and harder with his best conditioning ever!!! Plus dramatic improvements in his chest, delts, traps, triceps, and calves. For the next 7 weeks all Kai Greene will be doing is intense training and dieting. Stay tuned for future exclusive MD "Road to the Olympia" Videos with Kai in Las Vegas!!!
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Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Messagepar misterbam » 11 Aoû 2009 10:14

Today Kai weighs 303lbs. At the Olympia he will be bigger and harder with his best conditioning ever!!!

Incroyable :shock:
Messages: 307
Inscription: 12 Avr 2009 20:02

Messagepar thanos999 » 11 Aoû 2009 12:33

phil a interet a etre en forme
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Inscription: 12 Sep 2008 11:50
Localisation: Bob gym

Messagepar Daegog » 11 Aoû 2009 17:13

Bigger, bigger... Sa taille est déjà hors de toute proportion. Et avec la vitesse avec laquelle il gagne en poids ça ne peut qu'empirer...
Messages: 601
Inscription: 2 Oct 2008 18:31

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 11 Aoû 2009 17:17

en ce moment, il perd assez vite
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Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 13 Aoû 2009 02:15

I was in the middle of my hourly cardio session last night after hitting chest at the Gold’s here in Las Vegas on Flamingo and Sandhill. I noticed a person in a blue hoodie walked in followed by another gentleman. I heard that Kai was going to be in Vegas for the last seven weeks of his Olympia prep and guessed because of the size of the hooded fella, there was a good chance it was Kai.
I cut out of the cardio session early and proceeded to the front desk to investigate. As I approached the front desk, the hooded behemoth appeared larger with each step I took and realized it was Kai L. Greene, 2009 Arnold Classic Champ. Although he was covered up it was obvious he was humungous. I introduced myself to Oscar Arden, his trainer/mentor and asked if he minded that I watch Kai’s workout and upon completion ask questions of them. Oscar was very kind and he and Kai didn’t mind. There was also a cameraman filming Kai’s new DVD that will be filmed all the way up to the Olympia.
After Kai emerged from the locker room he and Oscar started off with flat bench that went from 145lbs-495lbs for 6 reps and it didn’t seem that difficult for him. He then knocked out 425lbs on incline bench for 8. Next, he went to incline dumbbell presses up to 140lbs for 8-10 reps. Finally he headed to cable crossovers and completed four sets. After that they took a couple min break and the cameraman asked if I’d be available for an interview after the workout and I of course was much obliged.
Kai thrashed his triceps with tricep pushdowns, skullcrushers and supersetted other exercises. I asked Oscar about the growing concern for Kai’s midsection and he said this was being addressed and precautions were being taken. He said because of the large quantity of food he eats in the off season and getting up to 300+ pounds this is bound to happen.
Upon completion of the workout, I asked Oscar that the strategy was for Kai going into the Olympia. He said to come in with a lot of muscle and bring Kai in so conditioned that there will be no doubt after the first callout who the winner will be. He said it can’t be close it has to be an obvious win. He said he understands that this is Kai’s first Olympia but he wouldn’t be competing if he didn’t think he could win. They don’t believe in the hype that an MD athlete can’t win and Oscar used Lee Haney and TwinLab as an example. We talked about Kai coming from humble beginnings and his struggle to make it to where he is. He said Kai has something special planned for his posing routine for the Olympia.
To dispel any rumors, Kai didn’t cut his hair. I gave Oscar my number and told him and Kai if they needed anything to give me a call and he thanked me. He asked me where they could get fresh flounder for Kai and said that Kai eats 70lbs per week with some lean steak and veggies. I suggested a place and texted me today and told me they could get it for him.
Kai hit cardio and the cameraman interviewed me for Kai’s new DVD (Hell yeah!) and taped some of Oscar’s and I conversation and I signed the release form and said they'd send me a free DVD. Oscar thanked me and I told him I wanted to be around for the leg and back workout. Overall an awesome experience!
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Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Messagepar thanos999 » 13 Aoû 2009 09:17

30 kg de steak et legume :o
Md avait annulé son ancien dvd
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Inscription: 12 Sep 2008 11:50
Localisation: Bob gym

Messagepar Longinus » 13 Aoû 2009 11:37

J'espère vraiment que niveau ventre il fera pas Coleman bis.
Messages: 1099
Inscription: 5 Juin 2009 13:58

Messagepar Mitch » 13 Aoû 2009 12:47



haha les qualificatifs ! énorme le kai ! :lol:

dans la caté petites tailles, dexter a du mouron à se faire !
Messages: 497
Inscription: 5 Déc 2008 13:09

Messagepar misterbam » 13 Aoû 2009 17:56

J'espère vraiment que niveau ventre il fera pas Coleman bis.

Vu qu'il est pas super grand, sa taille est quand même assez large ce qui casse un peu sa ligne sur certaines poses.

Mais bon, ses routines de posings sont tellement au-dessus du lot qu'il peut créer la surprise, surtout à ce poids là.

En tout cas, il est vraiment stylé 8)
Messages: 307
Inscription: 12 Avr 2009 20:02

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 14 Aoû 2009 05:15

I’m at the gym here in Vegas, Gold’s Gym on Flamingo and Sandhill, the last hardcore gym in Vegas. I just finished blasting arms and completing my mindless hour of cardio…
Kai, Oscar and the cameraman walk in and Kai and Oscar head to the locker room. I walk up to the cameraman and let him know the information is being well received on the boards and that Kai has many supporters cheering him on to make history. I ask the cameraman what body part they are working on and he responds, “legs.” I told him I’d stick around for that. After a couple more minutes of chit-chat Kai and Oscar emerge and we greet each other and proceed to leg extensions. Kai begins stretching as Oscar decides which of the many leg extension machines to use. Oscar chooses one and sets the weight for Kai and Kai completes 16-18 reps for two sets warming up the quads. Kai is wearing a black Gold’s Gym Hoodie, baby blue stretch pants and black sneakers. As Kai is completing his leg extensions, you can see the separation in his quads and some veins though the pants. Next, he hops on the lying leg curl machines and completes two sets for 18 reps. You can already see the striations in his hamstrings.

Kai hops up and takes a drink of water and proceeds to the squat rack. 1st set, 145 ass-to-ankles, 20 reps, 2nd set 225 ass-to-ankles 16 reps, 3rd set 315 ass-to-ankles 12 reps. At this point I’m amazed at the strict manner in which he performs the exercise. This is no half ass effort folks. He goes Tom Platz low on squats and uses his quads to perform the exercise. He takes a break and it clear that his quads are pumped and they resemble thoroughbred’s legs. They are huge, well shaped and separated. They are on the same level or better as Cutlers back in 2001. Here is the kicker, he has calves. Being a brother myself, I don’t see that too often and though not Dorian or Fankhouser like, they are something to be proud of.
Oscar loads up the bar with 405 and Kai hops up and knocks it out with relative ease, ass-to-ankles for 14. He has kind of a wide stance with his toes pointing out. Next, 495 while mentally preparing himself Kai is rocking back and forth in a self soothing motion. Now drenched in sweat and Oscar is giving him a prep talk. Kai locks himself under the bar and Oscar sets up ready to spot him and once again Kai goes for 8….that’s right, ass-to ankles. At this point I’m thinking, is this guy going to wear a belt? Holy shit…Oscar loads the bar up with 585….
Kai is getting mentally prepared and I’m just staring at the weight, thinking how lucky I am to witness a top Olympian and his trainer go through the grind of Olympia preparation up close. Kai gets up to prepare for the 585…He get under the bar and unracks the weight and is yelling to pump himself up…He reracks the weight and he whispers something to Oscar. Oscar approaches me and asks, “Do you have a belt?” I tell him yes it’s in my car. He asks, “Is it good?” I tell him yes and I rush away to retrieve the belt. I remember it’s in my locker with my bag and grab it and return.
I hand it to Oscar and Kai looks over and tells me thanks. Oscar helps Kai put the belt on and it goes to the second to last hole I created because I recently lost a lot of weight….OVER his hoodie. He gets under the iron and unracks the weight and is yelling to pump himself up again yells, “Let me quit playin’ with this shit” and starts going ass to ankles with 585 for 6 reps…Very, very impressive. For his last set he drops down to 405 and goes for 14 in the same manner. He takes off the belt and comes up to me and says, “thank you, thank you very much sir.” I tell him no problem at all. Next, he proceeds to the leg press machine and goes up to 8 plates on each side total. You might not think that is a lot of weight but the manner in which he completed the exercise was his legs were far apart and when the weight was down his knees almost touched his shoulders making it much more difficult than the traditional legs going to the chest version many do. In addition, Kai would do about 12-14 reps, lock his legs and Oscar would count and Kai would complete 8-10 more reps and then do it once more. Finally, Kai completed 3 sets of hack squats ass to ankles to finish his workout…I was tired just watching him. This was something for the books folks.
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Messagepar thanos999 » 14 Aoû 2009 10:04

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Inscription: 12 Sep 2008 11:50
Localisation: Bob gym

Messagepar Longinus » 14 Aoû 2009 10:46

Son premier DVD sera : Kai Greene, The Unbelievable :lol:
Messages: 1099
Inscription: 5 Juin 2009 13:58

Messagepar thanos999 » 14 Aoû 2009 11:59

Il a L'œil de Tigre kai
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Inscription: 12 Sep 2008 11:50
Localisation: Bob gym

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