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Les polyphènols pour ralentir le vieillissement?

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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

Les polyphènols pour ralentir le vieillissement?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 11 Mar 2020 14:35

Perspectives of the potential implications of polyphenols in influencing the interrelationship between oxi-inflammatory stress, cellular senescence and immunosenescence during aging
Rohit Sharma Trends in Food Science & Technology Volume 98, April 2020, Pages 41-52

• Oxi-inflammatory stress, cell senescence and immunosenescence are emerging as key drivers of aging.
• Nutritional strategies are pragmatic and desirable for mitigating aging and related morbidity.
• Effects of polyphenols in curbing aging and associated disorders are presented.
• Impact of polyphenols on relationship of age-linked oxidative stress, cell senescence and immunity are discussed.
• Polyphenols and probiotics-based approaches for mitigating aging are deliberated.

The multifactorial process of aging predisposes elderly to recurring infections and inflammatory disorders which ultimately affect quality of life and longevity. Dietary polyphenols are presently the forerunners for developing nutrition-based pro-longevity interventions due to their documented diverse health beneficial effects.

Scope and approach
Studies reviewing the accumulating anti-aging effects of polyphenols vis-à-vis our expanding understanding of the aging process are lacking. Therefore, the present review discusses the emerging interrelationship of oxi-inflammatory stress, cellular senescence and immunosenescence as the causal nexus of aging and explores the preventive and therapeutic role of polyphenols in mitigating these disorders. Polyphenols based pro-longevity approaches, targets and mechanisms have been reviewed.

Key findings and conclusions
Molecular aetiology of aging is governed by the accumulation of senescent cells (SC), chronic oxi-inflammatory stress and immunosenescence. Polyphenols have shown multifaceted effects in attenuating the development and accumulation of SC, cellular oxidative stress as well as immune dysfunctions in several in vitro and in vivo studies. Evidence suggesting polyphenols mediated increase in lifespan through modulation of longevity pathways such as mTOR and calorie restriction are also documented. Although limited, but recent experiments in human setting have confirmed the potential of polyphenols in targeting SC. In addition, amalgamation of polyphenols with probiotics is another promising nutraceutical approach with implications in aging. Together, this review highlights the impact of polyphenols in augmenting lifespan and preventing age-associated disorders and encourages research on novel polyphenols-based strategies and clinical trials for ultimately developing a nutrition oriented holistic anti-aging therapy.
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