Influence of polyphenol-rich diet on exercise-induced Immunomodulation in male endurance athletes
Korbinian Lackermair Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism June 2017.
Stress is associated with increased susceptibility to infection. We investigated if the mechanism involves immunomodulation of dendritic cells and whether this can be inhibited by a polyphenol-rich diet.
Blood samples were taken from a total of 100 male endurance athletes at five time points around a marathon run: four weeks before, during one week before, and immediately, 24hours and 72hours after. Participants were randomized into two double blinded groups. One group received a polyphenol rich beverage during a three week training phase before marathon while the other group received a placebo beverage. Flow cytometric analysis of dendritic cell (DC) counts and subpopulation counts (myeloid, plasmocytoid DCs) was performed. Levels of viral antigen presenting Toll-like-receptor (TLR) 7 mRNA was measured by rt-PCR.
Marathon running induced a significant increase of circulating myeloid DCs (0.2 vs. 0.33% of whole blood leukocytes [wbl]; p<0.01) and a significant decrease of plasmozytoid DCs (0.12 vs. 0.03% of wbl; p<0.01) and TLR7 expression (decline of 60%; p<0.01).
Polyphenol supplementation did not significantly affect mobilization of dendritic cells but showed beneficial effects on regeneration of TLR7 expression in whole blood leukocytes three days post marathon (decline of 40% vs. increase of 1000%; p<0.05).
Physical stress affects circulating dendritic cells, with an increase of myeloid and a decrease of plasmozytoid DCs. This may partially explain the susceptibility to viral infections after strenuous exercise. These detrimental effects are not attenuated by polyphenol supplementation. However, polyphenols support regeneration of viral antigen presenting TLR7 after strenuous exercise.