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Les propriétés biologiques du Tribulus terrestris

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Les propriétés biologiques du Tribulus terrestris

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 16 Déc 2019 23:17

Chemical Constituents, Biological Properties, and Uses of Tribulus terrestris: A Review
Ivanka B. Semerdjieva, Natural Product Communications 7, 2019

Tribulus terrestris L. (TT) (puncturevine) is a common weed that grows in many countries worldwide and in some places is considered as a noxious weed. The plant has been used in traditional Chinese and Indian medicines and is now considered as one of the most popular aphrodisiacs. It is known for its healing properties for sexual difficulties, impotence, and human and animal hormonal imbalance. It is also used as a sexual booster. Because of the plant’s active substances that can be used for curing sexual and other disorders, interest in it is increasing, and it is currently one of the most studied medicinal plants. The products and preparations manufactured from the aboveground plant parts are especially popular among athletes and people with health issues and diseases such as hormonal imbalance, sexual problems, heart problems, and various kidney and skin diseases. The aim of this review is a comprehensive and critical assessment of the scientific publications involving TT, with special reference to its chemical constituents and biological properties that may facilitate current understanding and future studies of this fascinating plant species.

The objectives of this review were (1) to find knowledge gaps, (2) to discuss critically relevant publications and issues with materials and methods that may be prerequisites for contradictory results, and (3) to identify research and development areas. It was found that some of the studies on TT extracts as aphrodisiacs are controversial. A significant number of research publications claim that TT extracts and nutritional supplements containing TT improve muscle tone, have a common biostimulating effect, and improve spermogenesis. However, there are a growing number of publications that dispute these claims, as there are no empirical data on commonly accepted mechanisms of action.

The main biologically active substances in TT are steroidal saponins, flavonoids, alkaloids, and lignan amides, the most studied being the steroidal saponins. Multiyear data on the metabolic profile of the species are generally lacking. There are a variety of methods used for extracting plant material, differences in methodologies and saponin analyses, and scientific instruments that were used. Lack of common standards could be a reason for differences in the pharmacological activity and composition of the TT preparations. Development of standard procedures and methods for collection of plant material and analyses are recommended. Selection and breeding efforts and agronomic studies of promising clones of TT would need to be conducted in order to develop TT as a new crop. This will provide consistency of supply and quality of the feedstock for the pharmaceutical industry and could provide a new cash crop for growers.
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Re: Les propriétés biologiques du Tribulus terrestris

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 16 Déc 2019 23:20

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Re: Les propriétés biologiques du Tribulus terrestris

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 16 Déc 2019 23:40

Experiments with humans

Research revealed that the basic TT activity was due to PD.138 This helps with muscle strength and the treatment of male sterility.31,61,75 Some authors 68,138,141,142,143 consider that PD increases the level of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in infertile men. It can be concluded that this hormone is a predecessor of DHEA in patients with low hormone levels. This hormone is believed to play a role in improving cell functions (including the cell membrane), and correspondingly in improving health in general. PD leads to sexual libido improvement. Further research on DHEA activity mechanisms is needed due to a very limited number of studies.

Milanov et al140 and Arsyad142 proposed another explanation for PD activity. They suggested that PD increases the testosterone level and turns it into a powerful dehydrosterone. As a result, there is an increase in red blood cells, which consequently leads to better blood circulation and better oxygen supply in the organism.139,142

Experiments conducted with volunteers show that PD, the major constituent of Tribestan, influences the hormone serum level of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis without changing the concentration of adrenal hormones and adrenocorticotropic hormone.123 The author emphasized that Tribestan is a safe preparation, with no side effects. Tribestan is recommended for treatment of some infertility cases in men and women, for male impotence, for the relief of neurovegetative and neuropsychic symptoms in women with climacteric and post-castration syndrome, and for improving lipid metabolism.123

For a period of 12 weeks, Kamenov et al120 tested men with erectile dysfunction and hypoactive sexuality and reported similar results. Tribestan improved sexual function, and the treatment was easy and safe for patients.120 Tabakova et al14 established that TT’s PD improved the spermatogenesis in stressed men, as well as menopause libido disorders in women. De Souza et al149 reported that TT extracts can be used as an alternative treatment for hypoactive libido in women during postmenopause. The authors emphasize that TT is an effective source for reducing menopause symptoms and side effects. Its activity is based on the increase of serum levels of free and bioavailable testosterone.149 Akhtari et al148 reported that TT extracts are safe and effective for increasing women’s libido, but suggested that further examination of TT in women is required.

Khaleghi et al139 and Shaiful et al151 examined human semen incubated with 40 and 50 µg/mL of TT extract. They reported an increase in the total spermatozoa mobility and improvement of sperm concentration and spermatozoa morphology in men and concluded that TT extracts improve male fertility. Based on this research, Asadmobini et al152 established that sperm mobility and vitality were improved due to antioxidant properties of TT extracts, and they concluded that TT could be used as a safe alternative for treatment of sexual disorders. Sansalone et al153 examined TT and Ecklonia bicyclis extract activity (preparations such as Tradamix TXx1000) on erectile dysfunction in men. Results showed improvement in erection and ejaculation, and in quality of life, especially in men with moderate arterial dysfunction.

Neychev and Mitev,154 Santos et al,148 and Roaiah et al155 reported contradictory results. Neychev and Mitev154 tested TT extract activity on 21 healthy men divided into 3 groups. They monitored the levels of testosterone, androsterone, and luteinizing hormone. They found considerable differences in the levels of the tested hormones and concluded that TT had no steroidal effect. They suggested a future study to clarify the activity of TT steroidal saponins on serum testosterone. Roaiah et al155 examined the effect of TT extracts in men with unclear sterility and found that there were no statistically significant differences before and after the examination in the level of common testosterone and luteinizing hormone. There was no significant correlation between the levels of testosterone and luteinizing hormone and sperm parameters. They concluded that TT extract is ineffective for the treatment of idiopathic sterility.155 In patients with erectile dysfunction treated with TT extract, Santos et al147 established an insignificant effect, which they considered to be a placebo effect.
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Messages: 55370
Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Re: Les propriétés biologiques du Tribulus terrestris

Messagepar OLYBAR » 17 Déc 2019 16:23

J'utilise le TT Nutrimuscle par rapport aux autres marques pas d'excipients, juste le produit brut.
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Inscription: 12 Fév 2009 19:38
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