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Les protéines diminuent les temps de réaction

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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

Les protéines diminuent les temps de réaction

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 31 Mai 2011 03:33

Effect of a high protein meat diet on muscle and cognitive functions: A randomised controlled dietary intervention trial in healthy men
Clinical Nutrition Volume 30, Issue 3, June 2011, Pages 303-311 Lene H. Jakobsen

Recommendations to use other criteria than N-balance for defining protein requirements have been proposed. However, little evidence to support other measures such as physiological functions is available.

To investigate the effects of a usual (UP) versus a high protein (HP) diet on muscle function, cognitive function, quality of life and biochemical regulators of protein metabolism.

A randomised intervention study was conducted with 23 healthy males (aged 19–31 yrs). All subjects consumed a Usual Protein (UP) diet (1.5 g protein/kg BW) for a 1-wk run-in period before the intervention period where they were assigned to either a UP or a High Protein (HP) diet (3.0 g protein/kg BW) for 3-wks with controlled intake of food and beverages. Blood and urine samples were taken along with measurements of physiological functions at baseline and at the end of the intervention period.

The HP group improved their reaction time significantly compared with the UP group. Branched chain amino acids and phenylalanine in plasma were significantly increased following the HP diet, which may explain the improved reaction time.

Healthy young males fed a HP diet improved reaction time. No adverse effects of the HP diet were observed.
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Messagepar chibani34 » 31 Mai 2011 18:09

Bein ca marche pas sur moi :lol:
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Messagepar bouch » 1 Juin 2011 06:45

Eh si ! tu as été premier a répondre :lol:
Blague à part ca change rien pour la maladresse, j'en fait l'expérience tous les jours, maldroit un jour.. :)
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