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Les protéines + efficaces que le sport pour augmenter l'IGF?

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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique

Les protéines + efficaces que le sport pour augmenter l'IGF?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 25 Sep 2020 11:54

Physical activity, dietary protein and insulin-like growth factor 1: Cross-sectional analysis utilising UK Biobank
C.N.Gulick Growth Hormone & IGF Research Available online 24 September 2020, 101353

• Cross-sectionally dietary protein is positively associated with IGF-1 concentration.
• This association is not influenced by physical activity.
• The association between protein & IGF-1 was stronger than physical activity & IGF-1.
• It may be more pertinent to regulate protein than physical activity to modify IGF-1.

Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-1) is an anabolic hormone that stimulates cell growth and division. The effects of IGF-1 may be beneficial (muscle growth/repair) or detrimental (increased risk of several types of cancer and mortality) for health. Dietary protein and physical activity are thought to be factors that modulate IGF-1.

This study analysed the relationships dietary protein vs IGF-1 and physical activity vs IGF-1 independently with a large sample size, and determined if/how physical activity affected the association between dietary protein and IGF-1 in healthy adults.

Regression models were used to assess the association between dietary protein and/or physical activity on serum IGF-1 in a cross-sectional sample of 60,677 healthy adults that were enrolled in the UK Biobank project.

Dietary protein was positively associated with IGF-1 (0.030 nmol/L;95%CI 0.027–0.033;p < 0.001). Individuals undertaking 10–50 excess MET h/week of physical activity had 0.129 nmol/L greater IGF-1 than participants completing less than 10 excess MET h/week (95%CI 0.028–0.230). The “high” category of physical activity (>50 excess MET h/week) was not correlated with IGF-1 (−0.055 nmol/L;95%CI -0.185-0.076). When dietary protein and physical activity were included in the same model, physical activity did not change the relationship between dietary protein and IGF-1, nor visa-versa.

The positive association between dietary protein and IGF-1 was not influenced by physical activity. The former association was stronger than the latter. Thus, when seeking to adjust IGF-1 for possible health concerns, regulating dietary protein may be more pertinent than physical activity as a primary intervention.
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