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Lou Ferrigno bientôt dans l'administration Trump ?

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Lou Ferrigno bientôt dans l'administration Trump ?

Messagepar Gilles » 24 Aoû 2017 17:07

Lou Ferrigno se prépare à occuper le poste de chef du Conseil du Président sur la condition physique, le sport et la nutrition (President's Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition)...


"I am an appointee and I want to be the Head of the President's Council on Physical Fitness & Nutrition. I have been corresponding with President Trump because I want to change America and make America healthy again. I am a top choice for them. I feel I am the best candidate for that. Nobody can surpass what I do, especially the life I have lived, what I have overcome and my passion with bodybuilding and fitness."

Interview au Saban Theatre de Beverly Hills :

Lou Ferrigno set to take a job as head of the President's Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition
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