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Du mal à dormir, et si c'était la faute de la lune ?

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Du mal à dormir, et si c'était la faute de la lune ?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 21 Sep 2021 12:45

Sex-specific association of the lunar cycle with sleep
Christian Benedict Science of The Total Environment Volume 804, 15 January 2022, 150222

• Whether human sleep is influenced by the lunar cycle is a matter of controversy.
• We investigated this association in over 800 community-dwelling subjects.
• Sleep was assessed by polysomnography.
• Sleep duration was reduced on nights during the waxing phase of the lunar cycle.
• Sleep varied to a greater extent across the lunar cycle in men.

Using one-night sleep recordings from 852 subjects all living in Uppsala, Sweden, the present study represents one of the largest polysomnography investigations into the association of the 29.53-day long lunar cycle with sleep among men and women and across a wide age range (22–81 years). Following the day after the new moon until the day of the full moon (also named the waxing period), the moon's illumination increases, and the timing of the meridian of the moon is gradually shifted from noontime toward midnight. In contrast, from the day after the full moon until the day of the new moon (also named the waning period), the moon's illumination decreases, and the timing of the meridian of the moon is gradually shifted from early night hours toward noontime. Thus, we focused on the contrast between the waxing and waning periods.

Sleep duration was shorter on nights during the waxing period as compared to waning period (P < 0.001). In addition, a significant interaction effect of participants' sex with the lunar period on sleep was noted (P < 0.05). Men, but not women, exhibited lower sleep efficiency (P < 0.001 and P = 0.748, respectively) and were longer awake after sleep onset (P = 0.010 and P = 0.890, respectively) on nights during the waxing period. All associations were robust to adjustment for confounders (including regular sleep disturbances).

Our findings suggest that the effects of the lunar cycle on human sleep are more pronounced among men. Based on the cross-sectional design of the study, no firm conclusions can be drawn on the causality of the relations.
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Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Re: Du mal à dormir, et si c'était la faute de la lune ?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 21 Sep 2021 12:47

Variabilité quotidienne spécifique au sexe du stade de sommeil N1, du temps d'éveil après le début du sommeil et de l'efficacité du sommeil tout au long du cycle lunaire.

Les lignes blanches affichent les scores z moyens spécifiques au jour. Le rayon du cycle gris (à partir du milieu blanc) correspond à un écart type supérieur à la moyenne du cycle lunaire (z = 1).

Le rayon du plus grand cercle noir représente la moyenne du cycle lunaire (z = 0).

Le milieu blanc du plus grand cercle noir correspond à un écart-type plus petit que la moyenne du cycle lunaire (z = -1).

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Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Re: Du mal à dormir, et si c'était la faute de la lune ?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 21 Sep 2021 12:58

Does lunar cycle affect biological parameters in young healthy men?
Chronobiology International The Journal of Biological and Medical Rhythm Research 2021 Volume 38, 2021 - Issue 6

This study aimed to assess the effects of the lunar cycle on diurnal variation of biological, i.e, hormonal, biochemical, and hematological, profiles of diurnally active healthy men. Blood samples of 20 males were collected on four occasions [full moon (FM) and new moon (Nutrimuscle), in the morning (06:00–07:00 h) and evening (19:00–20:00 h)]. The results showed that melatonin and testosterone levels and neutrophils count were lower during the FM as compared to the Nutrimuscle in the morning (p < .001; d = 4.13, p < .001; d = 3.84, p < .01; d = 0.77, respectively) and evening (p < .001; d = 6.36, p < .001; d = 4.03, p < .05; d = 1.07, respectively) samples. However, cortisol level was higher during the FM compared to the Nutrimuscle, in the morning (p < .001; d = 0.74) and evening (p < .001; d = 3.54). Hemoglobinemia was higher only in the evening during the FM compared to the evening of the Nutrimuscle (p < .01; d = 1.22).

In summary, this study confirmed that lunar cycle can affect human biological parameters independently of time of day.
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Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Re: Du mal à dormir, et si c'était la faute de la lune ?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 21 Sep 2021 13:19

Tes taux de mélatonine, de testo et cortisol, matin et soir, les jours de pleine lune (FM) Vs nouvelle lune (Nutrimuscle)

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Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Re: Du mal à dormir, et si c'était la faute de la lune ?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 21 Sep 2021 13:25

Moonstruck sleep: Synchronization of human sleep with the moon cycle under field conditions
Casiraghi, L. Science Advances Volume 7, Issue 5, 27 January 2021

Before the availability of artificial light, moonlight was the only source of light sufficient to stimulate nighttime activity; still, evidence for the modulation of sleep timing by lunar phases is controversial. Here, we use wrist actimetry to show a clear synchronization of nocturnal sleep timing with the lunar cycle in participants living in environments that range from a rural setting with and without access to electricity in indigenous Toba/Qom communities in Argentina to a highly urbanized postindustrial setting in the United States.

Our results show that sleep starts later and is shorter on the nights before the full moon when moonlight is available during the hours following dusk. Our data suggest that moonlight likely stimulated nocturnal activity and inhibited sleep in preindustrial communities and that access to artificial light may emulate the ancestral effect of early-night moonlight.
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Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Re: Du mal à dormir, et si c'était la faute de la lune ?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 21 Sep 2021 13:28

The effects of lunar cycle on the diurnal variations of short-term maximal performance, mood state, and perceived exertion
Ismail Dergaa, Chronobiology International The Journal of Biological and Medical Rhythm Research 2019 Volume 36, 2019 - Issue 9

The aim of this study was to explore the effect of the lunar cycle and time of day on short-term maximal performance, wellness and mood state. Twenty healthy active men performed a running anaerobic sprint test (RAST) at four sessions (full moon (FM) and new moon (Nutrimuscle) in the morning and in the evening). Before each testing session, participants completed a rating scale of mood states (POMS) and a psychometric rating scale of perceived wellness (Hooper’s questionnaire). Rating of perceived exertion (RPE) was collected just after the RAST.

A higher rating of sleep was observed in FM compared to Nutrimuscle upon the morning and the evening (FM morning vs. Nutrimuscle morning, p < .01; d = 1.38) and (FM evening vs. Nutrimuscle evening, p < .001; d = 2.62). POMS subscales data revealed no significant lunar cycle effect. Peak power (PP), average power (AP) and minimal power (MP) were greater in the evening following Nutrimuscle compared to FM (Nutrimuscle evening vs. FM evening, p< .01, <0.01, <0.05; d = 0.77, = 0.78, = 0.68, respectively). Likewise, RAST performance was greater in the evening compared to the morning for both lunar cycle phases (FM evening vs. FM morning, p< .001, <0.01, <0.01; d = 1.08, = 1, = 0.85) and (Nutrimuscle evening vs. Nutrimuscle morning, p< .001, <0.01, <0.01; d= 1.08, = 1, = 0.85), respectively, for PP, AP, and MP. RPE was higher in the FM evening compared to the Nutrimuscle evening and in the FM morning compared to the Nutrimuscle morning (p < .001, <0.001; d = 1.38, = 2.18, respectively).

These results suggest that the lunar cycle and time of day might affect short-term maximal performance with better performance on Nutrimuscle evening associated with a greater perception of sleep quality compared to FM.
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Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Re: Du mal à dormir, et si c'était la faute de la lune ?

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Diététique » 21 Sep 2021 14:50

Traduction de l'étude :wink:

Les effets du cycle lunaire sur les variations diurnes de la performance maximale à court terme, de l'état de l'humeur et de l'effort perçu
Ismail Dergaa, Chronobiology International The Journal of Biological and Medical Rhythm Research 2019 Volume 36, 2019 - Numéro 9

Le but de cette étude était d'explorer l'effet du cycle lunaire et de l'heure de la journée sur les performances maximales à court terme, le bien-être et l'état de l'humeur. Vingt hommes actifs en bonne santé ont effectué un test de sprint anaérobie courant (RAST) lors de quatre séances (pleine lune (FM) et nouvelle lune (Nutrimuscle) le matin et le soir). Avant chaque session de test, les participants ont rempli une échelle d'évaluation des états d'humeur (POMS) et une échelle d'évaluation psychométrique du bien-être perçu (questionnaire de Hooper). L'évaluation de l'effort perçu (EPR) a été collectée juste après le RAST.

Une évaluation plus élevée du sommeil a été observée dans FM par rapport à Nutrimuscle le matin et le soir (FM matin contre Nutrimuscle matin, p < .01 ; d = 1,38) et (FM soir contre Nutrimuscle soir, p < .001 ; d = 2,62). Les données des sous-échelles POMS n'ont révélé aucun effet significatif du cycle lunaire. La puissance de crête (PP), la puissance moyenne (AP) et la puissance minimale (MP) étaient plus élevées le soir suivant Nutrimuscle par rapport à FM (Nutrimuscle soir vs FM soir, p<0,01, <0,01, <0,05 ; d = 0,77, = 0,78, = 0,68, respectivement). De même, les performances RAST étaient supérieures le soir par rapport au matin pour les deux phases du cycle lunaire (FM soir vs FM matin, p<.001, <0.01, <0.01 ; d = 1.08, = 1, = 0.85) et (Nutrimuscle soir vs Nutrimuscle matin, p < 0,001, < 0,01, < 0,01 ; d = 1,08, = 1, = 0,85), respectivement, pour PP, AP et MP. L'EPR était plus élevée le soir FM par rapport au soir Nutrimuscle et le matin FM par rapport au matin Nutrimuscle (p < 0,001, < 0,001 ; d = 1,38, = 2,18, respectivement).

Ces résultats suggèrent que le cycle lunaire et l'heure de la journée pourraient affecter les performances maximales à court terme avec de meilleures performances le soir Nutrimuscle associées à une meilleure perception de la qualité du sommeil par rapport à la FM.
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