Maltodextrin Supplementation Enhanced Performance In Elite Athletes Of Mountain Biking During Competition
Raul Osiecki med Sci Sports Exerc 1455 Board #57 May 27 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
The observed improvements in performance with CHO ingestion have been attributed to maintenance of plasma glucose and glycogen availability. However, the supplementation
with maltodextrin-induced modifications in heart rate intensity and performance in different moments of competition for Montain Biking has not been reported.
PURPOSE: Therefore the aim of this study was to analyze the effect of maltodextrin supplementation in heart rate intensity and time competition spent in each lap;
cardiorespiratory and blood glucose response in maximal test performed in laboratory in elite Mountain Biking athletes. METHOD: A total of seven male bikers [age (years):
28.4 ± 10.6; body fat (%): 9.46 ± 3.76; VO2max (mL/kg/min): 61.13 ± 8.4], participated in double-blind type study. The athletes received supplementation with maltodextrin
(1g/kg) or placebo (light tangerine juice) dissolved in distilled water 20 min before competition (7 laps with 2 Km each) or laboratory maximal test. A incremental exercise test
on a cyclo-ergometer at 60 rpm, starting at 50 W with increases by 25 W every 3 min until exhaustion with maltodextrin or placebo use was performed (cycloergometer Biotec
1800-CEFISE®) to determined alterations in maximal heart rate, Wattsmax, VO2max, VEmax, VO2 in the ventilatory threshold (VT) using a gas exchange analyzer
(ParvoMedics TrueOne® 2400). The heart rate was monitored each 5 s during the entire competition (Polar Team System®). The comparisons between time spent in each lap
(7 laps) during competition and laboratory variables comparisons (maltodextrin vs. placebo) were made using two-way ANOVA.
RESULTS: In the competition, the maltodextrin supplementation enhanced performance, reducing 26 s in mean time spent for all laps (CHO: 549 ± 56.3 s vs. Placebo: 575 ±
69.5 s; p<0.05). In laboratory test, maltodextrin increase the blood glucose during exercise (CHO: 104.1 ± 20.9 mg/dL vs. Placebo: 88.2 ± 5.3 mg/dL; p<0.05) but has no effect
in cardiorespiratory variables.
CONCLUSION: Maltodextrin enhanced performance during Mountain Biking competition, showing that maltodextrin supplementation is a good strategy for these
competitors. The maintenance in blood glucose associated with maltodextrin use suggests improvements in performance through reduction of muscle glycogen use.