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Le milion, le milion, ... de $ pour Kai Greene

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Le milion, le milion, ... de $ pour Kai Greene

Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 10 Sep 2009 20:37

c'est ce que le top des top pro gagnent par leur contrat avec les marques de suppléments


Kai Greene, the 2009 Arnold Classic Champ and a favorite for the ’09 Olympia crown, has signed a two-year contract extension with nutritional supplement company MuscleMeds for an undisclosed amount. Word on the street is that the contract was extremely lucrative and puts Kai in the upper echelon of professional bodybuilders today.

“I am thrilled to extend my contract with MuscleMeds,” says Kai. “I have always dreamed that one day I’d be able to make a living as a pro bodybuilder, and now that dream has come true. I have been able to make unbelievable gains using MuscleMeds products like Carnivor and MethylBURN, and signing this contract extension allows me to concentrate on one thing alone – winning the Mr. Olympia crown!”

Kai’s trainer, Oscar Ardon, reports that The Predator is training like an animal in Las Vegas preparing for the Olympia, and is a ripped and super-hard 283 lbs. a full month before the show! With the two-year MuscleMeds contract extension now in the Books, Kai is taking his K.A.I. (Kick Ass, Inc.) philosophy to the highest level of bodybuilding supremacy.
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Messagepar ajobody7 » 10 Sep 2009 22:29

Je suis content pour lui ! il le mérite
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Inscription: 26 Mai 2009 17:22

Messagepar thanos999 » 11 Sep 2009 09:40

c'est cool pour lui
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Messagepar chibani34 » 11 Sep 2009 20:10

qu esqui ce passe? :lol:
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Messagepar thanos999 » 11 Sep 2009 20:14

Il a touché le pactole pour re-signer avec MuscleMeds
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Messagepar chibani34 » 11 Sep 2009 20:16

il va plus pouvoir dire qu il a pas de sous !merci
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Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 11 Sep 2009 20:58

quelles news
Yes, it's going to be a DVD that will only be available through MHP. They are financing the project and are giving me freedom to do whatever I want. Of course we will drop in a few ads for the MHP and MuscleMeds products but they will be separate from the documentary and not within it.

We are going to be shooting footage after the Olympia as well and then it will take me some time to put it all together. My ROUGH estimate is around Thanksgiving (dispo pour). That's what I'm shooting for.

He keeps himself covered all the time. I got one short glimpse of his physique the entire time I was there. He looks amazing of course!

He and I hardly spoke. It seems like he's in a constant state of meditation. Oscar speaks for him. Kai spoke an extended bit to me only two times in four days. He apologized to me once when I arrived and again as I was about to leave. He didn't want me to take his silence personally but he explained that his focus is so great that all else must take second place to this most important moment of his life. Intense!

When this is all over and he comes home I will interview him and review the whole thing, including his thoughts on God, if he is willing to be that personal.

At this point Kai is only eating flounder and string beans. Sometimes with a few cashews or a bit of sweet potato. But it's not very much food. The amount he is eating wouldn't be enough for ME. That's his struggle right now. He is still at a high level of activity but he's not getting enough calories to sustain him and so he runs out of energy. He is slamming up against this wall again and again and yet he refuses to give up or compromise.

The one concession that they make is that they schedule Kai's workouts around Kai's body. If he's ready to hit it again, he does. If not, it's back to bed for a few hours, another meal and try again.

What that meant for me was that at any time day or night I was "on call". There was no way they could tell me with any certainty when the next workout would be. So I had to stay close and available, even if that meant getting out of bed in the middle of the night, which did happen.

This is why there is no leg training footage. Because there couldn't be. Kai was never ready to go when we thought he would be and so things stretched out and stretched out until there was no time left and I had to fly home.

I still got some GREAT footage however, never fear! This is going to be an awesome DVD...and we're not done shooting yet. I go back for the show!
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Inscription: 11 Sep 2008 19:11

Messagepar ajobody7 » 11 Sep 2009 20:59

Héhé, j'ai ma réponse, il y aura un Dvd de kai 8)

P-e le seul que j'acheterais, j'aime bien ce bodybuilder, il s'entraine intelligemment
Messages: 163
Inscription: 26 Mai 2009 17:22

Messagepar thanos999 » 11 Sep 2009 21:15

Il me fait penser a platz quand il preparait ces compets, a fond dedans.
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Inscription: 12 Sep 2008 11:50
Localisation: Bob gym

Messagepar thanos999 » 11 Sep 2009 21:16

At this point Kai is only eating flounder and string beans. Sometimes with a few cashews or a bit of sweet potato. But it's not very much food. The amount he is eating wouldn't be enough for ME. That's his struggle right now. He is still at a high level of activity but he's not getting enough calories to sustain him and so he runs out of energy. He is slamming up against this wall again and again and yet he refuses to give up or compromise.

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Messages: 15275
Inscription: 12 Sep 2008 11:50
Localisation: Bob gym

Messagepar ajobody7 » 11 Sep 2009 23:20

Hardcore :twisted: Il est affamé
Messages: 163
Inscription: 26 Mai 2009 17:22

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