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Modérateurs: Nutrimuscle-Conseils, Nutrimuscle-Diététique


Messagepar thanos999 » 12 Sep 2011 06:31

Art Dale Atwood died today in Dallas, Texas. He was 37 years old. The circumstances of his death are still unclear. Although, there have been several sources that have said that Art was at a pool party and fell or jumped in. When he was pulled out by fellow party goes he was already blue and wasn't able to be resuscitated. Untill the autopsy is preformed, we can't know if any substances or alcohol was envolved.

Art won his IFBB pro card at the 2001 NPC Nationals in Atlanta, Georgia. His professional bodybuilding debut was the 2001 Toronto Pro where he took 1st place. His first IFBB Mr. Olympia came in 2002, where he placed 12th. Art competed in 19 shows as a pro bodybuilder, and retired from the stage in 2006. Atwood was arrested in 2008 in connection to Operation Raw Deal. His arrest was also tied in with the arrest of David Jacobs, who later killed IFBB Fitness Pro Amanda Savell and then turned the gun on himself.

Since his arrest Art started Professional Supplements ( and was responsible for bringing ***** to the United States. Professional Supplements and Atwood’s main product, Karbolyn, have become very popular and the growth of his company and his reputation as a businessman have surged. He also became highly regarded as a contest prep coach, helping IFBB Pro Steve Kuclo, IFBB Pro Jason Huh, and many others. Art also ran and owned a nutrition store and tanning salon called, Results Dallas.

Art Atwood was one of the first IFBB Pro bodybuilders I was fortunate enough to have an extended conversation with. When we met, I was surprised by his modesty, honesty, and the friendly manner in which he spoke to me... A regular fan. Since our first meeting, Art reinforced those initial impressions every time we had a chance to interact. Art’s death is a horrible loss for his family, friends, and the bodybuilding world as a whole. He will be missed.
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Messagepar Longinus » 12 Sep 2011 08:53

C'est la période . :?
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Messagepar OLYBAR » 12 Sep 2011 11:47

Une soirée alcoolisée qui a du mal tourner :?
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Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 12 Sep 2011 12:44

c'est plus sa carrière et ses prises de poids qui ont été bien arrosées
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Messagepar OLYBAR » 12 Sep 2011 15:29

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Messagepar 300winmag » 12 Sep 2011 16:26

C'est pas fini hélas.
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Messagepar Nutrimuscle-Conseils » 12 Sep 2011 16:42

je ne retrouve pas ses photos avant-après ou il a gagné encore plus que Yates avant de gagner son 1er concours pro
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Messagepar Aurelien » 12 Sep 2011 16:44

Nutrimuscle-Conseils a écrit:c'est plus sa carrière et ses prises de poids qui ont été bien arrosées

En effet... 150 kilos hors saison pour 1m80.

Mort un 11 septembre.
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Messagepar Alban » 12 Sep 2011 18:52

OLYBAR a écrit:Une soirée alcoolisée qui a du mal tourner :?

A une soirée ou j'avais bien picolé, il y avait une piscine... comme un c... j'ai sauté dedans (tout habillé, sinon c'est pas drôle).

Sauf... que je n'avais pas pied et qu'à cette époque je ne savais pas nager.

Ce genre de coquecigrue, je ne le referai plus jamais.
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Inscription: 14 Sep 2008 16:48
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Messagepar QUI » 12 Sep 2011 19:06

Alban a écrit:
OLYBAR a écrit:Une soirée alcoolisée qui a du mal tourner :?

A une soirée ou j'avais bien picolé, il y avait une piscine... comme un c... j'ai sauté dedans (tout habillé, sinon c'est pas drôle).

Sauf... que je n'avais pas pied et qu'à cette époque je ne savais pas nager.

Ce genre de bêtise, je ne le referai plus jamais.

au moins il y avait de leau :lol:
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Messagepar NICO-71 » 12 Sep 2011 19:28

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Messagepar Alban » 12 Sep 2011 20:50

QUI a écrit:au moins il y avait de leau :lol:

Effectivement.... je n'étais quand même pas cuit à ce point là.

Mais j'espère que ta remarque n'est pas en rapport avec le décès d'Artwood....
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Inscription: 14 Sep 2008 16:48
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Messagepar Longinus » 13 Sep 2011 21:56

Pour ceux que ça intéresse, son ami proche/partenaire commercial :

Sunday, at about 2:30PM, Art was walking through the pool area of his residence when he had a massive heart attack.

We are not sure if he was going for a swim or just passing through the area, but he was not at a party. He was at the pool area of the condo where he lives.

Two residents who were at the pool saw him fall in and immediately pulled him out. They were able to revive him and get the paramedics, but it was too late. The damage had already been done.”

I asked Steven if Art died there or on the way to the hospital. He said he was unsure, because those details had not been released. He will update us further as the story develops.

Art is survived by both of his parents, a brother and a sister. He will be buried in Wisconsin.

A candle light vigil will be held at his home in Dallas the weekend after the Olympia.
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Inscription: 5 Juin 2009 13:58

Messagepar OLYBAR » 14 Sep 2011 13:46

ça change de la version du verre de trop
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Messagepar mr-smith » 5 Oct 2011 16:58

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